1、He refuses all interviews, claims Top Gear's publicist, although he pops up in the pages of the Sun and the Sunday Times often enough.───TopGear经纪人说他从来不接受采访,虽然他经常在《太阳报》和《星期日TaiWuShiBao》上抛头露面。
2、News Corporation owns four leading newspapers: the Times, the Sunday Times, the Sun and the News of the World.───新闻集团拥有四家重要的报纸:TaiWuShiBao,星期日TaiWuShiBao,太阳报和世界新闻报。
3、Her grim account of Jackson's final months is detailed in an interview with Barak, published in the Sunday Times and the News of the World.───格蕾丝对杰克逊最后时日的可怖叙述将在《星期日TaiWuShiBao》以及《世界新闻》发表的采访中详细披露。
4、Mr MacKerron told the Sunday Times: 'Through April we see a series of spikes due to the bank holidays.───麦卡隆告诉《星期日TaiWuShiBao》:“由于4月有法定假日,我们发现人们的快乐指数屡次出现GaoChao。”
5、The twelve finalists will be listed in the Sunday Times.───这12位决赛者的名单将刊登在《星期日TaiWuShiBao》上。
6、We are delighted to see the Sunday Times running a long feature on breast cancer.───我们高兴地看到《星期日TaiWuShiBao》刊登了关于乳腺癌的一篇长长的特写。
7、The Sunday Times in London quotes the British commander in Afghanistan as also saying the Taleban cannot be defeated on the battlefield.───伦敦的星期日TaiWuShiBao援引英国在阿富汗的指挥官的话表示,不可能在战场上打败TaLiBan。
8、This is what Palin told Christina Lamb in the Sunday Times───这是佩林在《星期日泰晤时报》 (Sunday Times)上所告诉克里斯蒂娜.兰姆(told Christina )的
9、In a recent interview in The Sunday Times she complained about the roasting she had been given when her magazine Talk failed.───在前一阵子接受《星期日TaiWuShiBao》 (The Sunday Times)采访时,她对自己在创办的《闲谈》杂志 (Talk)失败后遭到了责骂表示了不满。
the sunday times(英语使用场景)
1、The twelve finalists will be listed in the Sunday Times.
2、I also saw that news item in the Sunday Times.
3、The editor of the Sunday Times is John Witherow.
4、She writes for many papers, including the Sunday Times.
5、The Sunday Times remains the brand leader by a huge margin.
6、I have been a member of The Sunday Times Wine Club since its founding in 1973.
7、He told his story to The Sunday Times and produced photographs.
8、The Sunday Times carried half a page of ads for classic cars.
9、She went on to the Sunday Times hardcover bestseller list for the first time.
the sunday times(意思翻译)
the sunday times(相似词语短语)
1、keep the times───守时
2、whit sunday───(基督教)圣灵降临节;n.圣灵降临节
3、sunday mass───周日弥撒
6、the times───TaiWuShiBao;时代杂志;<TaiWuShiBao>(英国)
7、all sunday───整个星期天
8、behind the times───过时,落伍,落在时代后面;过时的, 落伍的; 悖时; 背时; 不识时务
9、sunday school───n.主日学校; 星期日学校(指星期日对儿童进行宗教教育的学校)主日学校(基督教教会为了向儿童灌输宗教思想,在星期天开办的儿童班); 〈美俚〉扑克牌戏
the sunday times(双语使用场景)
1、He refuses all interviews, claims Top Gear's publicist, although he pops up in the pages of the Sun and the Sunday Times often enough.───TopGear经纪人说他从来不接受采访,虽然他经常在《太阳报》和《星期日TaiWuShiBao》上抛头露面。
2、News Corporation owns four leading newspapers: the Times, the Sunday Times, the Sun and the News of the World.───新闻集团拥有四家重要的报纸:TaiWuShiBao,星期日TaiWuShiBao,太阳报和世界新闻报。
3、Her grim account of Jackson's final months is detailed in an interview with Barak, published in the Sunday Times and the News of the World.───格蕾丝对杰克逊最后时日的可怖叙述将在《星期日TaiWuShiBao》以及《世界新闻》发表的采访中详细披露。
4、Mr MacKerron told the Sunday Times: 'Through April we see a series of spikes due to the bank holidays.───麦卡隆告诉《星期日TaiWuShiBao》:“由于4月有法定假日,我们发现人们的快乐指数屡次出现GaoChao。”
5、The twelve finalists will be listed in the Sunday Times.───这12位决赛者的名单将刊登在《星期日TaiWuShiBao》上。
6、We are delighted to see the Sunday Times running a long feature on breast cancer.───我们高兴地看到《星期日TaiWuShiBao》刊登了关于乳腺癌的一篇长长的特写。
7、The Sunday Times in London quotes the British commander in Afghanistan as also saying the Taleban cannot be defeated on the battlefield.───伦敦的星期日TaiWuShiBao援引英国在阿富汗的指挥官的话表示,不可能在战场上打败TaLiBan。
8、This is what Palin told Christina Lamb in the Sunday Times───这是佩林在《星期日泰晤时报》 (Sunday Times)上所告诉克里斯蒂娜.兰姆(told Christina )的
9、In a recent interview in The Sunday Times she complained about the roasting she had been given when her magazine Talk failed.───在前一阵子接受《星期日TaiWuShiBao》 (The Sunday Times)采访时,她对自己在创办的《闲谈》杂志 (Talk)失败后遭到了责骂表示了不满。
the sunday times(英语使用场景)
1、The twelve finalists will be listed in the Sunday Times.
2、I also saw that news item in the Sunday Times.
3、The editor of the Sunday Times is John Witherow.
4、She writes for many papers, including the Sunday Times.
5、The Sunday Times remains the brand leader by a huge margin.
6、I have been a member of The Sunday Times Wine Club since its founding in 1973.
7、He told his story to The Sunday Times and produced photographs.
8、The Sunday Times carried half a page of ads for classic cars.
9、She went on to the Sunday Times hardcover bestseller list for the first time.