1、Her sense of fun has rubbed off on her children.───她的幽默感已经传给了她的孩子。
2、Therefore, DIY can bring us fun and help us save money, but it is not always as easy as it is thought to be if we bite off more than we can chew.───因此,自己动手做 (D I Y)可以给我们带来乐趣,帮助我们省钱,但如果我们不自量力,它并不总是像想象的那么容易。
3、from one department to another and up and down stairs, I've been fun off my feet today.───我今天从一个部门到另一个部门,又是上楼,又是下楼简直忙得脚不沾地。
fun off(意思翻译)
fun off(相似词语短语)
1、fun timfootjob───正在停止%s
2、fun fun fun───好玩好玩好玩
3、sing fun───唱歌好玩
4、fun trip───有趣的旅行
5、fruit fun───水果的乐趣
6、is fun───有趣的;有意思
7、keep fun───保持乐趣
fun off(双语使用场景)
1、Her sense of fun has rubbed off on her children.───她的幽默感已经传给了她的孩子。
2、Therefore, DIY can bring us fun and help us save money, but it is not always as easy as it is thought to be if we bite off more than we can chew.───因此,自己动手做 (D I Y)可以给我们带来乐趣,帮助我们省钱,但如果我们不自量力,它并不总是像想象的那么容易。
3、from one department to another and up and down stairs, I've been fun off my feet today.───我今天从一个部门到另一个部门,又是上楼,又是下楼简直忙得脚不沾地。