1、The BBC's Duncan Kennedy in Rome says it has been a dramatic week for Mr Berlusconi, and he ended it with a typically defiant flourish.───BBC记者邓肯·肯尼迪在罗马报道贝卢斯科尼刚刚经历了非常戏剧性的一周他以挑衅性的活跃作为结束。
2、"Duncan Watts is exceedingly clever, and I've learned a great deal from his research, " he emailed me.───“邓肯•瓦特非常聪明,我从他的研究中学到了很多。”他用email回复我。
3、Representatives of Mr. Duncan's family, his estate and his business interests did not return calls about the matter.───邓肯先生的家族代表,他的遗产继承者及其企业集团没有对此作出回应。
4、You'd like to see Yao do what Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan or Dwight Howard have done and that's inspire his team to bigger things.───你总是想看到姚明能够做到凯文·加内特、蒂姆·邓肯和德怀特·霍华德所做的事情,他们都能给球队带来莫大的帮助。
5、Duncan attended a ballet, and the lead dancer was the renowned Russian ballerina, Ana Pavlova.───邓肯曾经参加过一个芭蕾舞团,而舞团的领舞是著名的俄罗斯芭蕾舞女演员安娜·巴甫洛娃。
6、Duncan was just as good on defense, and his 7'0 " frame and athleticism made him a natural rebounder on both ends of the court. "───邓肯防守也相当不错。7尺的身高让他在攻防两端都能够统治篮板。
7、I believe in the nobility of Duncan's loyalty, and his enthusiasm. Every time I come in the door, he's waiting to greet me with glee.───我崇尚邓肯忠心耿耿的高尚品格,还有他的满腔热忱。每次我走进家门,他都在开心地等着迎接我。
8、pioneer of modern dance was Isadora Duncan, who was born in 1878.───现代舞蹈的先驱是伊莎多拉·邓肯,她出生于1878年。
9、Isadora Duncan did study ballet briefly as a child, but she quickly developed her own unique style, which she called free dance.───伊莎多拉·邓肯小时候曾短时间学习过芭蕾舞,但她很快就发展出了自己独特的风格,她称之为自由舞蹈。
1、My novel The Rector's Wife is being adapted for TV, with Lindsay Duncan in the title role.
1、dunnage defined───衬垫定义
2、dunt dunt dunt dunna song───邓纳松
3、dunkin doughnuts───邓肯甜甜圈
4、dunghill meaning───粪堆的意义
5、dungeon defenders───地下城守护者(游戏名);地牢守护者
6、dunce cap───n.以前的学生被罚时所戴的纸帽
7、dungaree dress───工装裤
8、peduncle cva───花梗
9、sand dune───n.[地理]沙丘;n.沙丘
10、comedienne dunn───喜剧演员邓恩
1、The BBC's Duncan Kennedy in Rome says it has been a dramatic week for Mr Berlusconi, and he ended it with a typically defiant flourish.───BBC记者邓肯·肯尼迪在罗马报道贝卢斯科尼刚刚经历了非常戏剧性的一周他以挑衅性的活跃作为结束。
2、"Duncan Watts is exceedingly clever, and I've learned a great deal from his research, " he emailed me.───“邓肯•瓦特非常聪明,我从他的研究中学到了很多。”他用email回复我。
3、Representatives of Mr. Duncan's family, his estate and his business interests did not return calls about the matter.───邓肯先生的家族代表,他的遗产继承者及其企业集团没有对此作出回应。
4、You'd like to see Yao do what Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan or Dwight Howard have done and that's inspire his team to bigger things.───你总是想看到姚明能够做到凯文·加内特、蒂姆·邓肯和德怀特·霍华德所做的事情,他们都能给球队带来莫大的帮助。
5、Duncan attended a ballet, and the lead dancer was the renowned Russian ballerina, Ana Pavlova.───邓肯曾经参加过一个芭蕾舞团,而舞团的领舞是著名的俄罗斯芭蕾舞女演员安娜·巴甫洛娃。
6、Duncan was just as good on defense, and his 7'0 " frame and athleticism made him a natural rebounder on both ends of the court. "───邓肯防守也相当不错。7尺的身高让他在攻防两端都能够统治篮板。
7、I believe in the nobility of Duncan's loyalty, and his enthusiasm. Every time I come in the door, he's waiting to greet me with glee.───我崇尚邓肯忠心耿耿的高尚品格,还有他的满腔热忱。每次我走进家门,他都在开心地等着迎接我。
8、pioneer of modern dance was Isadora Duncan, who was born in 1878.───现代舞蹈的先驱是伊莎多拉·邓肯,她出生于1878年。
9、Isadora Duncan did study ballet briefly as a child, but she quickly developed her own unique style, which she called free dance.───伊莎多拉·邓肯小时候曾短时间学习过芭蕾舞,但她很快就发展出了自己独特的风格,她称之为自由舞蹈。
1、My novel The Rector's Wife is being adapted for TV, with Lindsay Duncan in the title role.