1、In the multi-layer circuit board manufacturing process, the laminating technology is an important aspect of the quality and reliability of laminated board carving the final quality plays a key role.───在多层电路板制造工艺中,层压技术是十分重要的一个环节,层压的质量和可靠性对电路板的雕刻最终质量起着关键的作用。
2、We are carving wax master, to map from the board processing, and absolute confidentiality for your style.───我们有雕腊师父,可来图起板加工,绝对可以为你款式保密。
3、Huang Pi-lie's Book Collection, Study and Scholarly Research and Carving Board for Printing and Publishing Books───黄丕烈的藏书、读书治学及刻书
carving board(意思翻译)
carving board(相似词语短语)
1、carving wood───[木]木刻材料
2、pumpkin carving───南瓜雕刻
3、carving set───n.一组切肉刀叉
5、decoy carving───诱饵雕刻
6、sand carving───沙雕
7、carving tools───雕刻工具
9、carving knives───n.切肉用的餐刀( carving knife的名词复数 )
carving board(双语使用场景)
1、In the multi-layer circuit board manufacturing process, the laminating technology is an important aspect of the quality and reliability of laminated board carving the final quality plays a key role.───在多层电路板制造工艺中,层压技术是十分重要的一个环节,层压的质量和可靠性对电路板的雕刻最终质量起着关键的作用。
2、We are carving wax master, to map from the board processing, and absolute confidentiality for your style.───我们有雕腊师父,可来图起板加工,绝对可以为你款式保密。
3、Huang Pi-lie's Book Collection, Study and Scholarly Research and Carving Board for Printing and Publishing Books───黄丕烈的藏书、读书治学及刻书
4、Bronzed board carving, silicon rubber tire, silica gelboard.───烫金板雕刻、硅胶轮、硅胶板。
carving board(英语使用场景)
1、Let the prime rib rest for 10 minutes, then remove roast from pan to a carving board. 4.