1、Professor Louie joins HKU with a proven track record of research and scholarship, as well as solid administrative experience.───雷教授本身拥有丰富的教学,研究及行政经验。
2、He is among the few aspirants with administrative experience.───他是为数不多的几个志向远大而且有管理经验的人之一。
3、Relevant administrative experience in MKT or Sales of multinational companies preferred.───有外企销售或市场行政工作经验优先。
4、A: As I HAs some administrative experience in my continue job, I weselves use my organizational or planning skills in the future.───我在上一个任务中积累了一些行政亲身历程,我将来也许要运用我组织和商量上的亲身历程和技巧。
5、Fukuda brings a wealth of administrative experience to his new job.───福田有丰富的管理经验。
6、It also requires minimal administrative experience and access to modify system configuration changes.───同时它需要最少的管理经验和访问权来修改XiTong配置变化。
7、Previous administrative experience, computer literate, good organizational skills, interpersonal & communication skills is essential.───具备行政经验,计算机能力,良好的组织能力以及个人沟通能力。
8、Make more professional interaction actively with teachers who had more seniority to keep the teaching and administrative experience.───主动与资深教师进行专业互动,以传承教学与行政经验。
administrative experience(英语使用场景)
1、Mr Li Yinan is the top expert of domain of science and technology of Chinese own innovation, in the whole world lead technical company has crackajack administrative experience.
administrative experience(意思翻译)
administrative experience(相似词语短语)
2、administrative cost───管理成本;管理费用
4、patient experience───患者体验
5、administrative expense───[法] 行政费用;行政管理费用
6、administrative fixer───行政修正者
7、administrative leave───[管理]行政假;[管理] 行政假
8、relevant experience───相关工作经验
9、administrative support───行政支援;行政支助;行政资助
administrative experience(双语使用场景)
1、Professor Louie joins HKU with a proven track record of research and scholarship, as well as solid administrative experience.───雷教授本身拥有丰富的教学,研究及行政经验。
2、He is among the few aspirants with administrative experience.───他是为数不多的几个志向远大而且有管理经验的人之一。
3、Relevant administrative experience in MKT or Sales of multinational companies preferred.───有外企销售或市场行政工作经验优先。
4、A: As I HAs some administrative experience in my continue job, I weselves use my organizational or planning skills in the future.───我在上一个任务中积累了一些行政亲身历程,我将来也许要运用我组织和商量上的亲身历程和技巧。
5、Fukuda brings a wealth of administrative experience to his new job.───福田有丰富的管理经验。
6、It also requires minimal administrative experience and access to modify system configuration changes.───同时它需要最少的管理经验和访问权来修改XiTong配置变化。
7、Previous administrative experience, computer literate, good organizational skills, interpersonal & communication skills is essential.───具备行政经验,计算机能力,良好的组织能力以及个人沟通能力。
8、Make more professional interaction actively with teachers who had more seniority to keep the teaching and administrative experience.───主动与资深教师进行专业互动,以传承教学与行政经验。
administrative experience(英语使用场景)
1、Mr Li Yinan is the top expert of domain of science and technology of Chinese own innovation, in the whole world lead technical company has crackajack administrative experience.