1、First, can you give me an idea of how big the fair is?───首先,你能告诉我博览会有多大吗?
2、Also, they show the idea of fair education.───同时,也显示了平等教育的理念。
3、in some sector of our country misogyny exist and there is prejudice against women, but one has to think whether is it fair to generalize this idea for the whole country.───在我们国家的一些领域里,厌恶女性和歧视女性的封建思想仍在存在,这就引发了一个值得深思的问题:把这种歧视女性的SiChao推及全国的做法对女性来说是否公平?
4、Bankers are therefore likely to resist the idea of fair value for loans fiercely: one executive calls it "lunacy" .───因此,银行家们很可能会凶猛地坚持自己在公平价值上的观点:一名高级主管把它称作“愚蠢至极”。
5、CFS is based on the idea that all processes should be given a fair amount of the available processors.───CFS是基于所有过程都应该给予相当数量的可用处理器这一理念的。
the idea of fair(意思翻译)
the idea of fair(相似词语短语)
1、make the idea───做个主意
2、the idea of───关于
3、buy the idea───接受这个想法
4、floated the idea───提出了这个想法
5、get the idea of───了解
6、the idea───[电影]该理念
7、idea of───关于
8、the school fair───学校集市
9、the fair───[电影]农村集市;交易会;美人
the idea of fair(双语使用场景)
1、First, can you give me an idea of how big the fair is?───首先,你能告诉我博览会有多大吗?
2、Also, they show the idea of fair education.───同时,也显示了平等教育的理念。
3、in some sector of our country misogyny exist and there is prejudice against women, but one has to think whether is it fair to generalize this idea for the whole country.───在我们国家的一些领域里,厌恶女性和歧视女性的封建思想仍在存在,这就引发了一个值得深思的问题:把这种歧视女性的SiChao推及全国的做法对女性来说是否公平?
4、Bankers are therefore likely to resist the idea of fair value for loans fiercely: one executive calls it "lunacy" .───因此,银行家们很可能会凶猛地坚持自己在公平价值上的观点:一名高级主管把它称作“愚蠢至极”。
5、CFS is based on the idea that all processes should be given a fair amount of the available processors.───CFS是基于所有过程都应该给予相当数量的可用处理器这一理念的。