1、T-Bag continues to verbally torment C.O. Bob, saying that once he breaks out of prison, he's going to drive up to Bob's house in a limousine and he's going to take his daughter to the PROM.───T - Bag继续用言语戏弄着狱警bob,声称如果他越狱出去,他会驾着豪华轿车去Bob家,带着他女儿去参加舞会。
2、Plugging up the leaks that allow cold air to slip into your house—and drive up your heating bills—is an important first step in creating an energy-efficient home.───进入你的房子,从而增加你的暖气费,把那些漏风处都堵上吧。 这是让你的家变得节能的最重要的第一步。
3、The boys followed Eleanor up the drive to the house.───男孩们跟着埃莉诺上了通向房子的车道。
drive up to the house(意思翻译)
drive up to the house(相似词语短语)
1、drive sb up───把某人赶上去
2、Drive up───抬高;开车赶到;迫使…上升;驱车来到; 使…上升
3、drive up to───开往
4、drive drive the car───开车开车
5、be drive up───被开车送上去
6、house to house───门到门;挨家挨户的
7、drive up service───驾车服务
8、the house───[法]下院;房屋;御品大厦;香颂鬼屋;美国傲仕(公司名称)
9、not to drive───不要开车
drive up to the house(双语使用场景)
1、T-Bag continues to verbally torment C.O. Bob, saying that once he breaks out of prison, he's going to drive up to Bob's house in a limousine and he's going to take his daughter to the PROM.───T - Bag继续用言语戏弄着狱警bob,声称如果他越狱出去,他会驾着豪华轿车去Bob家,带着他女儿去参加舞会。
2、Plugging up the leaks that allow cold air to slip into your house—and drive up your heating bills—is an important first step in creating an energy-efficient home.───进入你的房子,从而增加你的暖气费,把那些漏风处都堵上吧。 这是让你的家变得节能的最重要的第一步。
3、The boys followed Eleanor up the drive to the house.───男孩们跟着埃莉诺上了通向房子的车道。