1、We also try to study our foe. This is a high-speed camera view of a mosquito.───我们也尝试研究我们的“敌人”这是高速摄像机下的蚊子。
2、And you're our foe.───而你是我们的对手。
3、Ahead hides our foe. Worshippers of chaos who seek to remake the world.───前方潜藏着我们的敌人。这些灾祸的崇拜者妄想改造我们的世界。
4、Our foe is too strong!───逃跑!敌人太强了!
5、's not our aim to subjugate our foe.───我们的目的不是要制服敌人。
6、Our foe has arrived! Finally, a chance for me to test my metal. Hoo-ah!───敌人已经在城下叫阵!考验我甲胄和兵器的时候到了。呼-哈!
7、It's not our aim to subjugate our foe.───我们的目的不是要征服敌人。
8、Garrosh Hellscream yells: Ahead hides our foe. Worshippers of chaos who seek to remake the world.───前方潜藏着我们的敌人。这些灾祸的崇拜者妄想改造我们的世界。
9、But we are confronted with that inner friend or foe, and whether he is our friend or our foe depends on ourselves.───但是我们总是会邂逅到那位内在的朋友或敌人,至于是友乎?敌乎?就端看我们自己啦。
our foe(意思翻译)
our foe(相似词语短语)
3、conscript foe───应征敌人
4、capulet foe───凯普莱特
5、unattached foe───DuLi的敌人
6、plundering foe───掠夺敌人
7、crossbowman foe───弩手敌人
8、settlements foe───敌方定居点
9、caravansary foe───商队敌人
our foe(双语使用场景)
1、We also try to study our foe. This is a high-speed camera view of a mosquito.───我们也尝试研究我们的“敌人”这是高速摄像机下的蚊子。
2、And you're our foe.───而你是我们的对手。
3、Ahead hides our foe. Worshippers of chaos who seek to remake the world.───前方潜藏着我们的敌人。这些灾祸的崇拜者妄想改造我们的世界。
4、Our foe is too strong!───逃跑!敌人太强了!
5、's not our aim to subjugate our foe.───我们的目的不是要制服敌人。
6、Our foe has arrived! Finally, a chance for me to test my metal. Hoo-ah!───敌人已经在城下叫阵!考验我甲胄和兵器的时候到了。呼-哈!
7、It's not our aim to subjugate our foe.───我们的目的不是要征服敌人。
8、Garrosh Hellscream yells: Ahead hides our foe. Worshippers of chaos who seek to remake the world.───前方潜藏着我们的敌人。这些灾祸的崇拜者妄想改造我们的世界。
9、But we are confronted with that inner friend or foe, and whether he is our friend or our foe depends on ourselves.───但是我们总是会邂逅到那位内在的朋友或敌人,至于是友乎?敌乎?就端看我们自己啦。