1、Selective fusion in the treatment of the elderly patient with hyperextension injury of cervical spine───选择性融合术治疗老年人颈椎过伸性损伤
2、The first characteristic follows the tradition of practical rationalism, an all-embracing but selective fusion of cultures.───第一个特色源自于于传统上具备实用价值的理性主义,它是能够包罗万象却又能够有选择性地接纳融和的一种文化。
3、Methods The SGC7901 gastric cancer cells and dendritic cells were induced to be fused by PEG and the pure fusion cells were obtained by selective culture with the HAT/HT culture system.───方法利用聚乙二醇 (P E G)诱导SGC7901胃癌细胞、树突状细胞融合,利用HAT、HT筛选培养XiTong对融合细胞进行筛选培养,获取纯净融合疫苗;
4、One of these cases was changed in surgical approach and need selective fusion of main thoracic curve, 19 in upper instrumented vertebra and 29 in lower instrumented vertebra.───手术入路改变1例,上融合节段改变19例,下融合节段改变29例,是否行主胸弯选择性融合改变1例。
selective fusion(英语使用场景)
1、The first characteristic follows the tradition of practical rationalism, an all-embracing but selective fusion of cultures.
selective fusion(意思翻译)
selective fusion(相似词语短语)
1、fusion reactor───聚变反应堆,热核反应堆,核聚变反应堆
3、fugato fusion───fugato聚变
4、fusion pink───融合粉
5、middling selective───中等选择性
6、tribal fusion───部落融合
7、attacker fusion───攻击者融合
8、fusion food───融合菜;无国界料理
9、inertial fusion───惯性聚变
selective fusion(双语使用场景)
1、Selective fusion in the treatment of the elderly patient with hyperextension injury of cervical spine───选择性融合术治疗老年人颈椎过伸性损伤
2、The first characteristic follows the tradition of practical rationalism, an all-embracing but selective fusion of cultures.───第一个特色源自于于传统上具备实用价值的理性主义,它是能够包罗万象却又能够有选择性地接纳融和的一种文化。
3、Methods The SGC7901 gastric cancer cells and dendritic cells were induced to be fused by PEG and the pure fusion cells were obtained by selective culture with the HAT/HT culture system.───方法利用聚乙二醇 (P E G)诱导SGC7901胃癌细胞、树突状细胞融合,利用HAT、HT筛选培养XiTong对融合细胞进行筛选培养,获取纯净融合疫苗;
4、One of these cases was changed in surgical approach and need selective fusion of main thoracic curve, 19 in upper instrumented vertebra and 29 in lower instrumented vertebra.───手术入路改变1例,上融合节段改变19例,下融合节段改变29例,是否行主胸弯选择性融合改变1例。
selective fusion(英语使用场景)
1、The first characteristic follows the tradition of practical rationalism, an all-embracing but selective fusion of cultures.