1、vehicle leaf springs are used as elastic body of the weighing transducer to measure vehicle load, the measuring precision is severely influenced by the hysteresis of leaf springs.───车辆板弹簧作为称重传感器的弹性体检测车辆载荷时,板弹簧的迟滞严重影响了载荷检测的精度。
2、Research purposes: By researching and developing differential current transducer used for leakage detecting, to adapt the ground protection of traction inverter in localization type a metro vehicle.───研究目的:研制开发用于漏电检测的差动电流传感器,以适应国产化a型地铁车辆的牵引逆变器接地保护的要求。
3、The flush air data sensing (FADS) system USES a matrix of pressure transducer on the vehicle nose to estimate air data parameters.───嵌入式飞行数据传感(FADS)XiTong是一种依靠嵌入在飞行器前端的压力传感器阵列来间接获得飞行参数的飞行数据传感XiTong。
transducer vehicle(意思翻译)
transducer vehicle(相似词语短语)
1、recreational vehicle───野营旅游车;休闲车;n.<美>(野营游乐用的)游艺车
2、vehicle type───车型;车辆类型
3、airless vehicle───无空气车辆
4、vehicle simulator───车辆模拟器
6、vehicle control───[医]车辆控制
7、vehicle exhaust───[医]车辆排气;汽车废气
8、aerial vehicle───[航]飞行器
9、motor vehicle───汽车;机动车辆;n.机动车辆,摩托车辆; 汽车
transducer vehicle(双语使用场景)
1、vehicle leaf springs are used as elastic body of the weighing transducer to measure vehicle load, the measuring precision is severely influenced by the hysteresis of leaf springs.───车辆板弹簧作为称重传感器的弹性体检测车辆载荷时,板弹簧的迟滞严重影响了载荷检测的精度。
2、Research purposes: By researching and developing differential current transducer used for leakage detecting, to adapt the ground protection of traction inverter in localization type a metro vehicle.───研究目的:研制开发用于漏电检测的差动电流传感器,以适应国产化a型地铁车辆的牵引逆变器接地保护的要求。
3、The flush air data sensing (FADS) system USES a matrix of pressure transducer on the vehicle nose to estimate air data parameters.───嵌入式飞行数据传感(FADS)XiTong是一种依靠嵌入在飞行器前端的压力传感器阵列来间接获得飞行参数的飞行数据传感XiTong。