1、When more plates of food arrived he shoveled beans and noodles fish and broccoli onto his plate then lit upon it all as if it were prey gobbling and drinking then gobbling some more.───当菜陆续上来后,他把豆子、面条、鱼和西兰花直往自己的盘子里舀,接着扫视着面前的食物,那眼光仿佛是在捕猎,大口大口地吃菜,大口大口地喝酒,然后又是大口大口地吃菜。
2、a lack of scrupulous checking somewhere along that line, and an attacker seized upon this and used it as a route to inject some very nasty malware onto our site.───中缺乏谨慎检测,黑客抓住了这一点,并以此为路径将一些非常讨厌的恶意软件嵌入到了我们网站。
3、Each inactive user image is loaded onto the canvas, and a callback is created to overlay the active image upon user click.───每张静态用户图象将被载入画布,并且创建回调以在用户单击时覆盖动态图像。
upon onto(意思翻译)
upon onto(相似词语短语)
1、ck onto───打开
2、logged onto───进入;登录
4、spray onto───喷在
5、catch onto───抓住
6、open onto───通向,对着;通往
7、jump onto───跳上去;跳到…上
8、fell onto───落在……上
upon onto(双语使用场景)
1、When more plates of food arrived he shoveled beans and noodles fish and broccoli onto his plate then lit upon it all as if it were prey gobbling and drinking then gobbling some more.───当菜陆续上来后,他把豆子、面条、鱼和西兰花直往自己的盘子里舀,接着扫视着面前的食物,那眼光仿佛是在捕猎,大口大口地吃菜,大口大口地喝酒,然后又是大口大口地吃菜。
2、a lack of scrupulous checking somewhere along that line, and an attacker seized upon this and used it as a route to inject some very nasty malware onto our site.───中缺乏谨慎检测,黑客抓住了这一点,并以此为路径将一些非常讨厌的恶意软件嵌入到了我们网站。
3、Each inactive user image is loaded onto the canvas, and a callback is created to overlay the active image upon user click.───每张静态用户图象将被载入画布,并且创建回调以在用户单击时覆盖动态图像。