1、Fault injection emulation platform based on Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) boundary scan and dynamic partial reconfiguration is proposed.───提出基于JTAG边界扫描技术和动态局部重配置的错误注入模拟平台。
2、In this paper, we first describe ATM net structure, then analyze partial structure of fixed length and influence to tape breadth and last probe into ATM technology and emulation.───本文首先描述A TM的网络结构,然后分析固定长度的信元结构及对带宽的影响,最后探讨AT M技术与FangZhen。
partial emulation(意思翻译)
partial emulation(相似词语短语)
1、emulation type───FangZhen类型
2、partial load───部分载荷,分载;[动力]部分负荷;分载
3、partial correlation───偏[净,部分]相关;部份相关,[数]偏相关;[数]部分相关
4、emulation news───模拟新闻
6、partial initial───部分首字母
8、emulation active───模拟活动
9、partial quotient───偏商
partial emulation(双语使用场景)
1、Fault injection emulation platform based on Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) boundary scan and dynamic partial reconfiguration is proposed.───提出基于JTAG边界扫描技术和动态局部重配置的错误注入模拟平台。
2、In this paper, we first describe ATM net structure, then analyze partial structure of fixed length and influence to tape breadth and last probe into ATM technology and emulation.───本文首先描述A TM的网络结构,然后分析固定长度的信元结构及对带宽的影响,最后探讨AT M技术与FangZhen。