1、discussed that the hidden pollution and its harm of night scene illumination exists in cities, and some prevention and cure meth-od is put forward by author in this thesis.───介绍了城市夜景照明中的隐性污染,讨论了这种污染的危害,提出了对这种污染的防治方法。
2、The Hidden Pollution of Night Scene Illumination in Cities───城市夜景照明中的隐性污染
3、Some Considerations about the Development of the Night Scene Illumination in Domestic City───关于我国城市夜景照明发展的几点思考
4、This is because, with a broad source, light rays hit your subject from more directions, which tends to fill in shadows and give more even illumination to the scene.───这是因为光源越广,射在物体上光线的方向就越多,这会起到增加场景中的照明、减少阴影的作用。
5、The algorithm simulates the effects of not only the illumination of sunlight and skylight, but also the energy exchange among scene objects to have inter-reflection.───此方法在渲染过程中除了考虑太阳光和天空光的照射,还考虑了物体间的能量传递,可以表现出物体间相互反射的效果。
scene illumination(意思翻译)
scene illumination(相似词语短语)
1、illumination systems───照明XiTong
2、boxing scene───拳击场面
3、illumination entertainment───照明娱乐
4、illumination studios───照明工作室
5、main scene───主要景点;主场景;主体现场
7、amazing scene───奇景
8、music scene───音乐界;音乐现场;音乐场景
9、illumination sing───照明歌唱
scene illumination(双语使用场景)
1、discussed that the hidden pollution and its harm of night scene illumination exists in cities, and some prevention and cure meth-od is put forward by author in this thesis.───介绍了城市夜景照明中的隐性污染,讨论了这种污染的危害,提出了对这种污染的防治方法。
2、The Hidden Pollution of Night Scene Illumination in Cities───城市夜景照明中的隐性污染
3、Some Considerations about the Development of the Night Scene Illumination in Domestic City───关于我国城市夜景照明发展的几点思考
4、This is because, with a broad source, light rays hit your subject from more directions, which tends to fill in shadows and give more even illumination to the scene.───这是因为光源越广,射在物体上光线的方向就越多,这会起到增加场景中的照明、减少阴影的作用。
5、The algorithm simulates the effects of not only the illumination of sunlight and skylight, but also the energy exchange among scene objects to have inter-reflection.───此方法在渲染过程中除了考虑太阳光和天空光的照射,还考虑了物体间的能量传递,可以表现出物体间相互反射的效果。