1、There was no hostile reaction from the ski patrol at Niseko on the snow- covered northern island of Hokkaido .───在北海道这个被皑皑白雪覆盖的北方岛屿上,二世谷滑雪场的巡护员也不再投来不满的目光。
2、from the reflection of the sun bouncing off the Badge of the ski patrol captain.───以避开从雪地巡逻队队长的徽章上反射过来的跳动着的阳光。
3、Ski Patrol: Always on Alert for Avalanche Safety───滑雪巡逻队:雪崩前沿的警哨
4、Stop, sit, and wait for the ski patrol.───停下,座着,等雪场巡逻车。
5、I cried for help until the ski patrol came to rescue me. An emergency vehicle brought me down the hill.───我大声呼救,终于等到来救我的滑雪巡逻队,然后被紧急救援车辆给送下山。
6、A man asked. I'm with the Afton Alps Ski Patrol.───一个男的问,我跟阿夫顿阿尔卑斯滑雪巡逻队在一起。
ski patrol(意思翻译)
ski patrol(相似词语短语)
1、ski resorts───滑雪度假地
2、safety patrol───安全巡逻队
3、bounds patrol───边界巡逻队
4、paw patrol───狗狗巡逻队 (Paw Patrol);狗狗巡逻队 (Paw Patrol)
5、ski boots───滑雪靴
6、border patrol───边境巡逻队
7、ski boot───n.滑雪靴
8、brusher patrol───刷子巡逻
9、book patrol───图书巡逻(网站名)
ski patrol(双语使用场景)
1、There was no hostile reaction from the ski patrol at Niseko on the snow- covered northern island of Hokkaido .───在北海道这个被皑皑白雪覆盖的北方岛屿上,二世谷滑雪场的巡护员也不再投来不满的目光。
2、from the reflection of the sun bouncing off the Badge of the ski patrol captain.───以避开从雪地巡逻队队长的徽章上反射过来的跳动着的阳光。
3、Ski Patrol: Always on Alert for Avalanche Safety───滑雪巡逻队:雪崩前沿的警哨
4、Stop, sit, and wait for the ski patrol.───停下,座着,等雪场巡逻车。
5、I cried for help until the ski patrol came to rescue me. An emergency vehicle brought me down the hill.───我大声呼救,终于等到来救我的滑雪巡逻队,然后被紧急救援车辆给送下山。
6、A man asked. I'm with the Afton Alps Ski Patrol.───一个男的问,我跟阿夫顿阿尔卑斯滑雪巡逻队在一起。