1、You might go into a cave to work on a project to take your success to a new level and intentionally neglect the other areas of your life.───你可能会将自己投入到工作项目的空间,以此获得成功而达到一个新的高度,那时你其实已经有意地忽视了生活中的其他领域。
2、a team of scientists, including New Mexico Tech's Boston, investigated the cave and found microbial life living in tiny air pockets in the crystals.───一个科考队的专家,包括新墨西哥研究所的Boston,调查了这个洞穴并在一个晶体中的气穴中发现存活着微生物。
3、Leaving the darkness of the cave suggests enlightenment, and emerging from the womb of the earth the beginning of a new life.───离开洞穴的黑暗代表了启蒙,从大地的腹中脱身而出象征着新生。
cave life(意思翻译)
cave life(相似词语短语)
1、antre cave───地下室炭疽
2、cave paintings───洞穴画;洞穴壁画(cavepainting的复数)
3、cave house───窑洞
4、plato cave───柏拉图洞穴
6、cave town───洞穴小镇
7、geckos cave───壁虎洞
8、deep cave───深洞
9、innermost cave───最里面的洞穴
cave life(双语使用场景)
1、You might go into a cave to work on a project to take your success to a new level and intentionally neglect the other areas of your life.───你可能会将自己投入到工作项目的空间,以此获得成功而达到一个新的高度,那时你其实已经有意地忽视了生活中的其他领域。
2、a team of scientists, including New Mexico Tech's Boston, investigated the cave and found microbial life living in tiny air pockets in the crystals.───一个科考队的专家,包括新墨西哥研究所的Boston,调查了这个洞穴并在一个晶体中的气穴中发现存活着微生物。
3、Leaving the darkness of the cave suggests enlightenment, and emerging from the womb of the earth the beginning of a new life.───离开洞穴的黑暗代表了启蒙,从大地的腹中脱身而出象征着新生。