1、America I feel sentimental about the Wobblies.───美国,我对华伯莱斯抱有感伤的感情
2、Public opinion turned against the Wobblies after they preached pacifism when America went to war in 1917.───当他们宣讲和平主义而美国在1917年进入战争之后社会公众的YuLun开始反对theWobblies。
1、None had the wobblies usually experienced by first timers in glassfibre sea kayaks.
2、When I walked through Screwball Square again, some college kids were yelling wheah's your redlines at old Charlie, the last of the Wobblies.
1、wobble up───摇摆起来
2、wobbling about───摇摇晃晃
3、gobble wobble───狼吞虎咽
4、wobbly life───不稳定寿命
5、gobble wobble 5k manahawkin───吞咽摇摆5k马纳霍金
6、wobble board───晃动板(作乐器用的纤维板);摇板
1、America I feel sentimental about the Wobblies.───美国,我对华伯莱斯抱有感伤的感情
2、Public opinion turned against the Wobblies after they preached pacifism when America went to war in 1917.───当他们宣讲和平主义而美国在1917年进入战争之后社会公众的YuLun开始反对theWobblies。
1、None had the wobblies usually experienced by first timers in glassfibre sea kayaks.
2、When I walked through Screwball Square again, some college kids were yelling wheah's your redlines at old Charlie, the last of the Wobblies.