1、Supplementing the special calcium requirements, and preventing the occurrence of milk fever in pregnant and lactating bitches.───补充怀孕哺乳期宠物对钙的特殊需求,预防产后瘫痪等骨骼疾病的发生。
2、Experiment on diagnosis and treatment to milk fever in milk cows───奶牛产后瘫痪的诊疗体会
3、The Mechanism of Anionic Salts to Prevent Milk Fever of Dairy Cows and Application───阴离子盐预防奶牛产乳热的机理及应用
4、A study on the causative agent and mechanism of sow milk fever───母猪生产瘫痪的病因及机理探讨
5、Metabolic disorder secondary to milk fever (P, Mg, K)───与乳牛热有关的代谢性紊乱(磷、镁、钾)
6、Decrease in metabolic complications such as ketosis, acidosis, milk fever.───降低代谢物并发症如:酮症、酸毒症、产乳热。
7、Similar signs to milk fever but hyperesthesia and tetany───与产后热症状相似,但感觉过敏和抽搐
8、Malta fever, or brucellosis, strikes people who come into contact with infected animals or their secretions, such as milk.───马耳他热又叫布鲁氏菌病,是通过与动物或动物的分泌物的接触传播给人的,像牛奶。 “这人也许是做奶酪的,”查理尔说。
milk fever(英语使用场景)
1、Decrease in metabolic complications such as ketosis, acidosis, milk fever.
milk fever(意思翻译)
milk fever(相似词语短语)
1、swine fever───猪瘟疫(等于hogcholera)
3、spotted fever───落基山热;n.斑疹热
4、cooking fever───烹调热
5、zymotic fever───发酵热
6、bieber fever───比伯热
7、fever blister───热病疱疹;热病性疱疹
9、fever trees───疟疾树
milk fever(双语使用场景)
1、Supplementing the special calcium requirements, and preventing the occurrence of milk fever in pregnant and lactating bitches.───补充怀孕哺乳期宠物对钙的特殊需求,预防产后瘫痪等骨骼疾病的发生。
2、Experiment on diagnosis and treatment to milk fever in milk cows───奶牛产后瘫痪的诊疗体会
3、The Mechanism of Anionic Salts to Prevent Milk Fever of Dairy Cows and Application───阴离子盐预防奶牛产乳热的机理及应用
4、A study on the causative agent and mechanism of sow milk fever───母猪生产瘫痪的病因及机理探讨
5、Metabolic disorder secondary to milk fever (P, Mg, K)───与乳牛热有关的代谢性紊乱(磷、镁、钾)
6、Decrease in metabolic complications such as ketosis, acidosis, milk fever.───降低代谢物并发症如:酮症、酸毒症、产乳热。
7、Similar signs to milk fever but hyperesthesia and tetany───与产后热症状相似,但感觉过敏和抽搐
8、Malta fever, or brucellosis, strikes people who come into contact with infected animals or their secretions, such as milk.───马耳他热又叫布鲁氏菌病,是通过与动物或动物的分泌物的接触传播给人的,像牛奶。 “这人也许是做奶酪的,”查理尔说。
milk fever(英语使用场景)
1、Decrease in metabolic complications such as ketosis, acidosis, milk fever.