1、According to my own results and test feedbacks, wrong version picking is the main reason for a loss.───据我自己的成绩,测试反馈,错版采摘的主要理由是亏损。
2、Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one.───失去心爱的人是无法补偿的。
3、Life insurance contracts are not contracts of indemnity as they do not compensate for a loss that must be calculated.───人寿保险合同不属于赔偿合同,因为(保险人)并不是对一笔可计算的损失进行赔偿。
4、For a loss of eyesight and hearing are the children, talking with people is how difficult ah!───对于一个视力和听力都丧失了的儿童来说,与人交谈是何等的困难呀!
5、The Blue's quarterback ran back and tried to pass, but before he could, the Red's end threw him for a loss.───蓝队主投往回跑想传球,但红队后卫将他抱倒使他损失得分。
6、credit-default swap may be described as an insurance that investors buy to compensate for a loss if a particular debtor defaults on its obligation.───违约互换(credit - default swap,简称CDS,又译为信用违约掉期)可看成是一种保险,投资者购买CDS以弥补一旦某特定债务人发生债务违约而可能给自己造成的损失。
7、heat from unused sunlight and inefficiencies in the cells themselves account for a loss of more than 50 percent of the initial solar energy reaching the cell.───未被利用的阳光和电池本身的低效率产生的热量导致一半以上的抵达到电池的原始太阳能损失掉了。
8、At this point the plant operators begin to follow emergency procedures that are in place for a "loss of cooling event" .───在这个点上反应堆Cao作员开始按照“冷却失灵”的紧急预案进行处理。
9、Government must make up for a loss in private investment.───政府必须填补私人投资的不足。
for a loss(意思翻译)
for a loss(相似词语短语)
1、consequential loss───从属损失,间接损失; 灾后损失;间接损失;从属的损失;后果性损失
3、at a loss───不知所措; 亏本; 困惑; 神思恍惚;亏本地;困惑不解
4、hearing loss───听觉损耗,听力损失,聋度;听觉损耗;听觉损失
5、at a loss for words───不知说什么好
6、take a loss───承担损失
7、a loss of───损失
8、sorry for your loss───对您的损失感到抱歉;节哀顺变
9、habitat loss───生境丧失
for a loss(双语使用场景)
1、According to my own results and test feedbacks, wrong version picking is the main reason for a loss.───据我自己的成绩,测试反馈,错版采摘的主要理由是亏损。
2、Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one.───失去心爱的人是无法补偿的。
3、Life insurance contracts are not contracts of indemnity as they do not compensate for a loss that must be calculated.───人寿保险合同不属于赔偿合同,因为(保险人)并不是对一笔可计算的损失进行赔偿。
4、For a loss of eyesight and hearing are the children, talking with people is how difficult ah!───对于一个视力和听力都丧失了的儿童来说,与人交谈是何等的困难呀!
5、The Blue's quarterback ran back and tried to pass, but before he could, the Red's end threw him for a loss.───蓝队主投往回跑想传球,但红队后卫将他抱倒使他损失得分。
6、credit-default swap may be described as an insurance that investors buy to compensate for a loss if a particular debtor defaults on its obligation.───违约互换(credit - default swap,简称CDS,又译为信用违约掉期)可看成是一种保险,投资者购买CDS以弥补一旦某特定债务人发生债务违约而可能给自己造成的损失。
7、heat from unused sunlight and inefficiencies in the cells themselves account for a loss of more than 50 percent of the initial solar energy reaching the cell.───未被利用的阳光和电池本身的低效率产生的热量导致一半以上的抵达到电池的原始太阳能损失掉了。
8、At this point the plant operators begin to follow emergency procedures that are in place for a "loss of cooling event" .───在这个点上反应堆Cao作员开始按照“冷却失灵”的紧急预案进行处理。
9、Government must make up for a loss in private investment.───政府必须填补私人投资的不足。