1、This Recommendation defines the generic procedures applicable for the control of supplementary services at the user-network interface.───本建议定义了在用户网络接口上用于控制补充业务的通用程序。
2、finally, the supplementary control method of dc systems is proposed by using the theory of the variable structure control.───最后针对线性XiTong利用变结构控制理论得出了直流XiTong的附加控制规律。
3、Application of Industry Ethernet Network in Power Plant Supplementary Control───工业以太网在电厂辅控XiTong中的应用
4、Design of HVDC Supplementary Control Considering Signal Time-delay Based on LMI Method───考虑广域信号时滞的直流附加KongZhiQi设计
5、Modern companies are actually a series of incomplete contracts, and internal control function as a supplementary contract.───现代公司本身就是一系列不完全契约的联结体,而内部控制是一种补充契约。
6、Supplementary control points for reactor shutdown without access to the main control room───不通过主控制室实现反应堆停堆的辅助控制点
7、Design criteria for supplementary control point of nuclear power plants───核电厂辅助控制点设计准则
8、UPFC power frequency model with its main and supplementary control block diagrams and the formulation for FDC parameter optimization are presented.───建立了UPFC的频域模型,给出了主控制和辅助控制的框图,推导了模糊阻尼KongZhiQi参数优化的公式。
9、Supplementary Control Technology of Traverse of Whole Equipment on Fully-mechanized Mining Face───综采工作面设备整体横向窜移控制的补充技术
supplementary control(意思翻译)
supplementary control(相似词语短语)
2、supplementary line───补充线
3、supplementary material───补充材料
4、control───v.指挥; 控制; 限定; 限制; 阻止蔓延; 抑制;n.统治; 控制(力); 克制; 管理; 限制; 控制按钮; 检查站/人员; 对照标准;n.控制;管理;抑制;Cao纵装置;vt.控制;管理;抑制
5、supplementary activities───补充活动
6、supplementary pension───企业年金;辅助退休金;追加退休金,补助养老金,补充(或辅助)恤养金
7、supplementary reading───补充阅读;补充读物
8、supplementary information───[计] 补充信息
9、supplementary angles───补角
supplementary control(双语使用场景)
1、This Recommendation defines the generic procedures applicable for the control of supplementary services at the user-network interface.───本建议定义了在用户网络接口上用于控制补充业务的通用程序。
2、finally, the supplementary control method of dc systems is proposed by using the theory of the variable structure control.───最后针对线性XiTong利用变结构控制理论得出了直流XiTong的附加控制规律。
3、Application of Industry Ethernet Network in Power Plant Supplementary Control───工业以太网在电厂辅控XiTong中的应用
4、Design of HVDC Supplementary Control Considering Signal Time-delay Based on LMI Method───考虑广域信号时滞的直流附加KongZhiQi设计
5、Modern companies are actually a series of incomplete contracts, and internal control function as a supplementary contract.───现代公司本身就是一系列不完全契约的联结体,而内部控制是一种补充契约。
6、Supplementary control points for reactor shutdown without access to the main control room───不通过主控制室实现反应堆停堆的辅助控制点
7、Design criteria for supplementary control point of nuclear power plants───核电厂辅助控制点设计准则
8、UPFC power frequency model with its main and supplementary control block diagrams and the formulation for FDC parameter optimization are presented.───建立了UPFC的频域模型,给出了主控制和辅助控制的框图,推导了模糊阻尼KongZhiQi参数优化的公式。
9、Supplementary Control Technology of Traverse of Whole Equipment on Fully-mechanized Mining Face───综采工作面设备整体横向窜移控制的补充技术