1、First, the animal has razor-sharp serrated teeth—perfect for tearing flesh and causing massive wounds. But, wait, there's more.───首先,它那剃刀般锋利的锯齿绝对是撕裂猎物血肉,造成大创口的利器,但科莫多龙可不仅仅就这么两下子。
2、clinical manifestation and the CT performance damages which to 6 examples flesh wounds pancreatic gland carries on the review analysis.───6例外伤性胰腺损伤的临床表现及CT表现进行回顾分析。
3、When cleaning fish, avoid rough treatment because wounds in the flesh can allow the spread of bacteria.───清洗鱼时,避免因处理粗糙的肉可以让伤口传播病菌。
flesh wounds(英语使用场景)
1、He only suffered a few superficial flesh wounds.
2、Casualties amounted to one man killed, a few flesh wounds and two jeeps destroyed.
flesh wounds(意思翻译)
flesh wounds(相似词语短语)
1、gunshot wounds───火器伤;枪伤
2、silvery flesh───银色的肉
3、flesh light───RouTi之光
5、puncture wounds───刺伤,穿刺伤
6、exit wounds───绝命出路; [电影]以毒攻毒;出口伤;射出口
8、grievous wounds───重伤
9、deepest wounds───最深的伤口
flesh wounds(双语使用场景)
1、First, the animal has razor-sharp serrated teeth—perfect for tearing flesh and causing massive wounds. But, wait, there's more.───首先,它那剃刀般锋利的锯齿绝对是撕裂猎物血肉,造成大创口的利器,但科莫多龙可不仅仅就这么两下子。
2、clinical manifestation and the CT performance damages which to 6 examples flesh wounds pancreatic gland carries on the review analysis.───6例外伤性胰腺损伤的临床表现及CT表现进行回顾分析。
3、When cleaning fish, avoid rough treatment because wounds in the flesh can allow the spread of bacteria.───清洗鱼时,避免因处理粗糙的肉可以让伤口传播病菌。
flesh wounds(英语使用场景)
1、He only suffered a few superficial flesh wounds.
2、Casualties amounted to one man killed, a few flesh wounds and two jeeps destroyed.