1、Get the small latte, the 6-inch sub instead of the 12-inch, the small cookie instead of the 4-inch chocolate chip behemoth.───小份的拿铁,6寸的而不是12寸的,小点心而不是4寸的巧克力块。
2、If I could get the fortune cookie I wanted, it would say: No more injuries.───如果说我能得到我希望要的幸运饼,我希望它上面写着:在没有伤病。
3、Demonstrates how to set cookie data in the response and get cookie data from a request.───说明如何在响应中设置Cookie数据和从请求中获取Cookie数据。
4、He listened to me and once again started to laugh, interrupting me in a humorous tone, Kuan, get to work or no fortune cookie for you. in.───他听着听着,就笑了起来,打断我的话,幽默地说:“矿,快去画你的画,要不就没有幸运饼干给你啦!”
get cookie(意思翻译)
get cookie(相似词语短语)
1、thin cookie───薄饼
2、smart cookie───聪敏的人;聪明的人
3、cookie sheet───甜酥饼干,胚面片;甜酥饼干;胚面片;(美)(烘饼或加热食物的)烤板
4、cookie bear───饼干熊
5、tough cookie───n.不动感情的人; 不易受伤害的人; 硬汉;坚强,有主意,不易受别人影响的人
7、about cookie───关于cookie
8、crinkles cookie───皱曲奇
9、a cookie───饼干
get cookie(双语使用场景)
1、Get the small latte, the 6-inch sub instead of the 12-inch, the small cookie instead of the 4-inch chocolate chip behemoth.───小份的拿铁,6寸的而不是12寸的,小点心而不是4寸的巧克力块。
2、If I could get the fortune cookie I wanted, it would say: No more injuries.───如果说我能得到我希望要的幸运饼,我希望它上面写着:在没有伤病。
3、Demonstrates how to set cookie data in the response and get cookie data from a request.───说明如何在响应中设置Cookie数据和从请求中获取Cookie数据。
4、He listened to me and once again started to laugh, interrupting me in a humorous tone, Kuan, get to work or no fortune cookie for you. in.───他听着听着,就笑了起来,打断我的话,幽默地说:“矿,快去画你的画,要不就没有幸运饼干给你啦!”