1、Stock Exchange is very sensitive to political change.───证券市场对政局变化非常敏感。
2、Carbon stock change of harvested wood products in China───中国木质林产品碳储量变化研究
3、In the view of the ultimate results and the accounting perspective, our country may favor stock-change approach.───就目前方法计算结果和选择的原则以及对我国的木质林产品贸易的影响来看,应用储量变化法对我国较为有利。
4、The so-called hot stock is trading volume, trading turnover rate, the share price is also a large range of stock Change.───所谓热门股是指交易量大、交易周转率高、股价涨跌幅度也较大的股票。
5、The stock is expected to not move at all from where it starts, some stocks will be expected to just trundle along without much change, not very volatile.───股市预计不会从一开始就出现波动,一些股票预计也只会平稳运行,不会出现太DaBo动。
6、The New Stage of Initiation of Annexation of the Stock-change Companies through Foreign Capitals───论外资并购上市公司开启新阶段
7、Any information that could potentially change a stock price is considered material.───任何可能会改变股票价格的信息都被认为是材料。
stock change(英语使用场景)
1、It was the 7 th consecutive daily loss on the New York stock change Stock Exchange.
stock change(意思翻译)
stock change(相似词语短语)
1、unchangeable change───不变的变化
2、never change───永远不改变;永不改变 (Never Change)
3、cambelt change───形成带变化
4、hyaline change───玻璃样变
6、managing change───管理变更
8、your change───找你的零钱
9、change off───<美>换班,交替;轮流
stock change(双语使用场景)
1、Stock Exchange is very sensitive to political change.───证券市场对政局变化非常敏感。
2、Carbon stock change of harvested wood products in China───中国木质林产品碳储量变化研究
3、In the view of the ultimate results and the accounting perspective, our country may favor stock-change approach.───就目前方法计算结果和选择的原则以及对我国的木质林产品贸易的影响来看,应用储量变化法对我国较为有利。
4、The so-called hot stock is trading volume, trading turnover rate, the share price is also a large range of stock Change.───所谓热门股是指交易量大、交易周转率高、股价涨跌幅度也较大的股票。
5、The stock is expected to not move at all from where it starts, some stocks will be expected to just trundle along without much change, not very volatile.───股市预计不会从一开始就出现波动,一些股票预计也只会平稳运行,不会出现太DaBo动。
6、The New Stage of Initiation of Annexation of the Stock-change Companies through Foreign Capitals───论外资并购上市公司开启新阶段
7、Any information that could potentially change a stock price is considered material.───任何可能会改变股票价格的信息都被认为是材料。
stock change(英语使用场景)
1、It was the 7 th consecutive daily loss on the New York stock change Stock Exchange.