1、And this kind of fund fills the gaps of domestic funds. From this point, its press effect and social significance is enormous.───并且,这种基金填补了国内的一项空白,从这点上来说,其新闻效应与社会意义是难以估量的;
2、To observe this effect, the team devised an experiment whereby volunteers memorised a sequence of buttons to press like playing a tune on a piano.───为了观察这种效果,研究者们设计了一个实验,让志愿被试者像在钢琴上演奏曲子一样来按一串按钮。
3、relationship between the press effect of clay by explosion and cylinder charge is discussed by a numerical analysis and calculation in this paper.───文中通过数值分析和计算,讨论了粘土爆炸压实效果与柱形装药之间的关系。
4、The following example uses two text-shadow declarations to make a letter press effect (1px top and 1px bottom).───下面的示例使用两个文本阴影声明制作了文字凸版效果(顶部1px和底部1px)。
5、Through the number analysis and computeration, the relationship between the press effect of clay by explosion and the cylinder charge is discussed in this paper.───本文通过数值分析和计算,讨论了粘土爆炸压实效果与柱形装药之间的关系。
6、In field trials it is proved that the press effect of the combined press can satisfy the agricultural requirements.───田间性能试验表明本组合ZhenYa器的工作效果能够满足农艺要求。
press effect(意思翻译)
press effect(相似词语短语)
3、press tv───新闻电视
4、antinomian press───反托米安出版社
5、associated press───n.MeiLianShe
6、press outlet───压力出口
7、dissociated press───分离压力
8、wordbook press───wordbook出版社
9、press brake───簿长件压机;压弯机(板的)
press effect(双语使用场景)
1、And this kind of fund fills the gaps of domestic funds. From this point, its press effect and social significance is enormous.───并且,这种基金填补了国内的一项空白,从这点上来说,其新闻效应与社会意义是难以估量的;
2、To observe this effect, the team devised an experiment whereby volunteers memorised a sequence of buttons to press like playing a tune on a piano.───为了观察这种效果,研究者们设计了一个实验,让志愿被试者像在钢琴上演奏曲子一样来按一串按钮。
3、relationship between the press effect of clay by explosion and cylinder charge is discussed by a numerical analysis and calculation in this paper.───文中通过数值分析和计算,讨论了粘土爆炸压实效果与柱形装药之间的关系。
4、The following example uses two text-shadow declarations to make a letter press effect (1px top and 1px bottom).───下面的示例使用两个文本阴影声明制作了文字凸版效果(顶部1px和底部1px)。
5、Through the number analysis and computeration, the relationship between the press effect of clay by explosion and the cylinder charge is discussed in this paper.───本文通过数值分析和计算,讨论了粘土爆炸压实效果与柱形装药之间的关系。
6、In field trials it is proved that the press effect of the combined press can satisfy the agricultural requirements.───田间性能试验表明本组合ZhenYa器的工作效果能够满足农艺要求。