1、Destroying the remaining stocks of variola is seen by some countries as the final chapter in eradicating the disease to prevent the risk of accidental release.───一些国家认为,销毁剩余的天花病毒库存是消除这种疾病以防止意外释放危险的终章。
2、As you know, we are on the brink of eradicating guinea-worm disease, and funds are being secured to ensure this happens.───大家知道,我们正接近根除麦地那龙虫线病,确保实现这一目标的资金已经有保证。
3、Immunization is a proven tool for controlling and even eradicating disease.───免疫预防是一种已经证实的可以控制甚至消灭疾病的工具。
eradicating disease(意思翻译)
eradicating disease(相似词语短语)
1、eradicating ivy───根除常春藤
2、eradicating definition───根除定义
5、eradicating bees───消灭蜜蜂
6、eradicating bats───消灭蝙蝠
7、eradicating cancer───根除癌症
8、eradicating tb───根除结核病
9、eradicating define───根除定义
eradicating disease(双语使用场景)
1、Destroying the remaining stocks of variola is seen by some countries as the final chapter in eradicating the disease to prevent the risk of accidental release.───一些国家认为,销毁剩余的天花病毒库存是消除这种疾病以防止意外释放危险的终章。
2、As you know, we are on the brink of eradicating guinea-worm disease, and funds are being secured to ensure this happens.───大家知道,我们正接近根除麦地那龙虫线病,确保实现这一目标的资金已经有保证。
3、Immunization is a proven tool for controlling and even eradicating disease.───免疫预防是一种已经证实的可以控制甚至消灭疾病的工具。