1、Above all, she chose to raise taxes on farm exports a year ago, which has led to big protests.───最重要的是她在一年前选择提高农业出口税,这一措施导致了大KangYi。
2、However, other analysts do not expect any major impact on farm products from the appreciation of the yuan.───然而,其他分析师预计人民币升值对农产品不会产生重大影响。
3、The work load in house and on farm was more reduced by modern conveniences.───家务劳动和农场劳动的负担由于多种现代化设备而减轻了。
4、The President called. He wants to commission you to advise the committee on farm commerce.───总统打过来电话,他想委任您作农业贸易委员会的顾问。
5、Six members have already cut tariffs on manufactured goods, though not on farm produce.───6个成员国虽未对农产品[采取动作],却已削减了制成品关税。
6、you think the vast majority of antibiotics sold in this country are used on farm animals?───你认为这个国家绝大多数销售的抗生素用于农场动物是为了什么?
7、Agricultural feminization and aging essentially indicate feminization and aging on farm labors which are the core productive element.───农业女性化和老龄化实质上是生产力要素中的核心要素——劳动者的女性化和老龄化。
8、At the same time, America's critics are right to say that its offers on farm subsidies are less attractive than they sound.───同时,美国批评家说在农产品上补助金并没有听上去那么有吸引力,他们是对的。
9、In the last three years there have been more than 120 tiger attacks on farm animals and one human death.───在过去三年中,有超过120起老虎攻击农场动物事件,老虎的袭击还造成了一人死亡。
on farm(英语使用场景)
1、Depressed cotton prices meant operating losses for cotton farms, and the government lost revenue from taxes on farm profits.
2、In April, the demands on farm labour peaked with lambing often coinciding with other spring work.
3、Spain imposed levies on farm imports from non-member states.
4、The work load in house and on farm was more reduced by modern conveniences.
5、In detail, the rights directly relevant to the land return have significant influence on farm household's decision of returning farmland to forest, and the government regulation also has the effect.
6、In the last three years there have been more than 120 tiger attacks on farm animals and one human death.
7、The senator's speech on farm subsidies did not attract a large audience.
8、Republicans would put a first-ever annual limit on farm subsidies.
9、Look out for our forthcoming profile of Sir Richard Body, and articles on farm animal welfare.
on farm(意思翻译)
on farm(相似词语短语)
1、on the farm───在农场
2、on her farm───在她的农场
3、on my farm───在我的农场
4、on a farm───在农场;在农场里,在农场上
5、on his farm───在他的农场里
6、on your farm───在你的农场
7、farm to farm───农场到农场
8、on that farm───在那个农场
9、on our farm───在我们的农场
on farm(双语使用场景)
1、Above all, she chose to raise taxes on farm exports a year ago, which has led to big protests.───最重要的是她在一年前选择提高农业出口税,这一措施导致了大KangYi。
2、However, other analysts do not expect any major impact on farm products from the appreciation of the yuan.───然而,其他分析师预计人民币升值对农产品不会产生重大影响。
3、The work load in house and on farm was more reduced by modern conveniences.───家务劳动和农场劳动的负担由于多种现代化设备而减轻了。
4、The President called. He wants to commission you to advise the committee on farm commerce.───总统打过来电话,他想委任您作农业贸易委员会的顾问。
5、Six members have already cut tariffs on manufactured goods, though not on farm produce.───6个成员国虽未对农产品[采取动作],却已削减了制成品关税。
6、you think the vast majority of antibiotics sold in this country are used on farm animals?───你认为这个国家绝大多数销售的抗生素用于农场动物是为了什么?
7、Agricultural feminization and aging essentially indicate feminization and aging on farm labors which are the core productive element.───农业女性化和老龄化实质上是生产力要素中的核心要素——劳动者的女性化和老龄化。
8、At the same time, America's critics are right to say that its offers on farm subsidies are less attractive than they sound.───同时,美国批评家说在农产品上补助金并没有听上去那么有吸引力,他们是对的。
9、In the last three years there have been more than 120 tiger attacks on farm animals and one human death.───在过去三年中,有超过120起老虎攻击农场动物事件,老虎的袭击还造成了一人死亡。
on farm(英语使用场景)
1、Depressed cotton prices meant operating losses for cotton farms, and the government lost revenue from taxes on farm profits.
2、In April, the demands on farm labour peaked with lambing often coinciding with other spring work.
3、Spain imposed levies on farm imports from non-member states.
4、The work load in house and on farm was more reduced by modern conveniences.
5、In detail, the rights directly relevant to the land return have significant influence on farm household's decision of returning farmland to forest, and the government regulation also has the effect.
6、In the last three years there have been more than 120 tiger attacks on farm animals and one human death.
7、The senator's speech on farm subsidies did not attract a large audience.
8、Republicans would put a first-ever annual limit on farm subsidies.
9、Look out for our forthcoming profile of Sir Richard Body, and articles on farm animal welfare.