1、Based on the object-orient analysis of CNC system, the paper proposes a design idea of master-slave CNC system, which builds with PC as upper chip and motion controller with DSP as lower chip.───本文在对CNCXiTong进行面向对象分析的基础上,建立了以PC机作为上位机,DSP运动KongZhiQi作为下位机的主从式数控铣床XiTong。
2、The proposed controller has lower order and can be easily realized.───该KongZhiQi具有阶次低,易于实现等特点。
3、Introduce the intelligent reactive compensating controller based on PIC single computer, it has lower cost, flexible arrange, higher reliability and performance.───介绍了用PIC系列单片机构成的智能无功补偿KongZhiQi,该KongZhiQi具有高性能、低价位、高可靠性、配置灵活的特点。
4、The additional yaw-moment is realized by braking some of the wheels and the wheel slip ratio is regulated by the lower controller.───附加横摆力矩依靠制动部分车轮实现,并由下层KongZhiQi进行车轮滑移率调节。
lower controller(英语使用场景)
1、The additional yaw-moment is realized by braking some of the wheels and the wheel slip ratio is regulated by the lower controller.
lower controller(意思翻译)
lower controller(相似词语短语)
1、programmable controller───[自]可编程序KongZhiQi;可编程调节器;可编程序KongZhiQi,编程KongZhiQi
2、lower and lower───越来越低
3、Lower Lot───下层地段
4、droop controller───下垂KongZhiQi
5、registrable controller───可注册KongZhiQi
7、lighting controller───[电]灯光调节器;[电]照明KongZhiQi;照明KongZhiQi,灯光调节器
8、traffic controller───调度员
9、brake controller───制动KongZhiQi; 闸KongZhiQi
lower controller(双语使用场景)
1、Based on the object-orient analysis of CNC system, the paper proposes a design idea of master-slave CNC system, which builds with PC as upper chip and motion controller with DSP as lower chip.───本文在对CNCXiTong进行面向对象分析的基础上,建立了以PC机作为上位机,DSP运动KongZhiQi作为下位机的主从式数控铣床XiTong。
2、The proposed controller has lower order and can be easily realized.───该KongZhiQi具有阶次低,易于实现等特点。
3、Introduce the intelligent reactive compensating controller based on PIC single computer, it has lower cost, flexible arrange, higher reliability and performance.───介绍了用PIC系列单片机构成的智能无功补偿KongZhiQi,该KongZhiQi具有高性能、低价位、高可靠性、配置灵活的特点。
4、The additional yaw-moment is realized by braking some of the wheels and the wheel slip ratio is regulated by the lower controller.───附加横摆力矩依靠制动部分车轮实现,并由下层KongZhiQi进行车轮滑移率调节。
lower controller(英语使用场景)
1、The additional yaw-moment is realized by braking some of the wheels and the wheel slip ratio is regulated by the lower controller.