1、The hunter pads into a back room pop, open a freezer and reveal the goods: four gnarled and frozen paws.───猎人蹑手蹑脚地进入一间里屋,打开一个冰箱,拿出物品:四只粗糙的冰冻熊掌。
2、What flower is there as delicate as this flower that grows out of a gnarled old tree with its trunk all twisted and its bark all blistered?───还有哪种花能像它一样脆弱,花朵在一棵变形的老树中生根发芽,树干盘根错节,树皮嶙峋。
3、The old man had sat unmoving through the work, his broad, gnarled hands resting on his thighs, his head bowed listening massively.───老人在演奏中纹丝不动地坐着,他那宽大而多节的手搁在腿上,他的头在倾听时低垂着。
4、some pitch pine or gnarled oak occupies what was the chimney nook, and a sweet-scented black birch, perhaps, waves where the door-stone was.───烟囱那个角落现在给苍松或多节的橡树占去了,原来是门槛的地方,也许还摇曳着一技馥郁的黑杨树。
5、His hands were gnarled with arthritis.───他的手因关节炎都扭曲了。
6、Holding out his work-gnarled hands, the old fishman with a weather-beaten face started to tell us about the hardship of his life on the sea.───这个看上去饱经风霜的渔翁伸出他那由于辛劳而布满老茧的双手,开始讲述了他海上生活的艰难历程。
7、his father was a spare old man , his hands gnarled after the work of a lifetime , silent and upright.───施特略夫的父亲是个瘦削的老人,因为终生劳动,两手骨节扭结,不言不语,诚实耿直。
8、Sailor as he was , it was easy enough for him to clamber up the gnarled trunk .───他虽说是个水手,攀上这扭曲的树干,倒还容易。
9、The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws.───那些手指粗糙、不平,有着又长又弯的使人想起动物爪子的指甲。
1、The hunter pads into a back room pop, open a freezer and reveal the goods: four gnarled and frozen paws.───猎人蹑手蹑脚地进入一间里屋,打开一个冰箱,拿出物品:四只粗糙的冰冻熊掌。
2、What flower is there as delicate as this flower that grows out of a gnarled old tree with its trunk all twisted and its bark all blistered?───还有哪种花能像它一样脆弱,花朵在一棵变形的老树中生根发芽,树干盘根错节,树皮嶙峋。
3、The old man had sat unmoving through the work, his broad, gnarled hands resting on his thighs, his head bowed listening massively.───老人在演奏中纹丝不动地坐着,他那宽大而多节的手搁在腿上,他的头在倾听时低垂着。
4、some pitch pine or gnarled oak occupies what was the chimney nook, and a sweet-scented black birch, perhaps, waves where the door-stone was.───烟囱那个角落现在给苍松或多节的橡树占去了,原来是门槛的地方,也许还摇曳着一技馥郁的黑杨树。
5、His hands were gnarled with arthritis.───他的手因关节炎都扭曲了。
6、Holding out his work-gnarled hands, the old fishman with a weather-beaten face started to tell us about the hardship of his life on the sea.───这个看上去饱经风霜的渔翁伸出他那由于辛劳而布满老茧的双手,开始讲述了他海上生活的艰难历程。
7、his father was a spare old man , his hands gnarled after the work of a lifetime , silent and upright.───施特略夫的父亲是个瘦削的老人,因为终生劳动,两手骨节扭结,不言不语,诚实耿直。
8、Sailor as he was , it was easy enough for him to clamber up the gnarled trunk .───他虽说是个水手,攀上这扭曲的树干,倒还容易。
9、The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws.───那些手指粗糙、不平,有着又长又弯的使人想起动物爪子的指甲。