2、A plane, believe it or not, may be only one iota of vitality that seems to exist by itself.───一个层面,信不信由你,可以只是似乎是独自存在的一个极微小的生命力。
3、Countries exist by dividing its hostis and friend with its tremendous power.───国家也需凭借其巨大的力量通过划分敌友而存在。
4、The db2audit.log file does not exist by default and will not exist until audit records are generated or the audit buffer is flushed.───log 文件在默认情况下并不存在,只有在生成了审计记录或者刷新了审计缓冲区的情况下,该文件才会出现。
5、A mechanism must exist by which a completed form can be submitted for processing and storage.───必须存在一种机制,可以按照该机制提交已完成的表单,用于处理和存储。
6、Secondly elaborated a present accountancy profession's incumbency industry morals the problem exist by construction.───其次,阐述了现今会计行业在职业道德建设方面所存在的问题。
7、Earlier this year they said they would either discover the Higgs or confirm it does not exist by the end of 2012.───今年早些时候他们称,到2012年底,他们将要么发现希格斯粒子,要么确认它并不存在。
8、Society not only continues to exist by transmission, by communication, but it may fairly be said to exist in transmission, in communication.───社会不仅通过传递、通过沟通继续生存,而且简直可以说,社会在传递中、在沟通中生存。
exist by(英语使用场景)
1、I exist by what I think.
2、You can't exist by hope alone.
3、The ancient traditions of local play group still exist by now, however, there are obvious differences of living condition in different historical periods.
4、You can't exist by hope alone, you have to have some properly thought-out plan.
5、They are the thoughts of a cosmic mind, thoughts that exist by necessity, just as they are.
exist by(意思翻译)
exist by(相似词语短语)
1、there exist───存在着……
2、exist define───存在定义
3、exist game───存在游戏
4、hostilities exist───敌对行动存在
5、exist in───vt.存在于;存在于…中
7、exist synonym───存在同义词
8、emojis exist───表情符号存在
9、previously exist───以前存在的
exist by(双语使用场景)
1、exist by what I think.───我靠所思考的东西而生存。
2、A plane, believe it or not, may be only one iota of vitality that seems to exist by itself.───一个层面,信不信由你,可以只是似乎是独自存在的一个极微小的生命力。
3、Countries exist by dividing its hostis and friend with its tremendous power.───国家也需凭借其巨大的力量通过划分敌友而存在。
4、The db2audit.log file does not exist by default and will not exist until audit records are generated or the audit buffer is flushed.───log 文件在默认情况下并不存在,只有在生成了审计记录或者刷新了审计缓冲区的情况下,该文件才会出现。
5、A mechanism must exist by which a completed form can be submitted for processing and storage.───必须存在一种机制,可以按照该机制提交已完成的表单,用于处理和存储。
6、Secondly elaborated a present accountancy profession's incumbency industry morals the problem exist by construction.───其次,阐述了现今会计行业在职业道德建设方面所存在的问题。
7、Earlier this year they said they would either discover the Higgs or confirm it does not exist by the end of 2012.───今年早些时候他们称,到2012年底,他们将要么发现希格斯粒子,要么确认它并不存在。
8、Society not only continues to exist by transmission, by communication, but it may fairly be said to exist in transmission, in communication.───社会不仅通过传递、通过沟通继续生存,而且简直可以说,社会在传递中、在沟通中生存。
exist by(英语使用场景)
1、I exist by what I think.
2、You can't exist by hope alone.
3、The ancient traditions of local play group still exist by now, however, there are obvious differences of living condition in different historical periods.
4、You can't exist by hope alone, you have to have some properly thought-out plan.
5、They are the thoughts of a cosmic mind, thoughts that exist by necessity, just as they are.