1、Atmospheric Marine aerosol was derived from seawater gaseous substance soil dust ash fly from burning coal ash fly from burning fuel and industrial waste at dalian sea area.───大连海域大气气溶胶物质主要来自海水、气态物、土壤尘、煤烟尘、燃油灰和工业废料。
2、would be a nice historical justice in the substance that was displaced by coal playing an important role in cleaning up the mess that coal has left behind.───木炭产生了很多温室气体之后,又取代了在清洁过程中起到了很大作用的物质,历史会给这种物质一个不错的评定。
3、Cinder: burned or partly burned substance, such as coal, that is not reduced to ashes but is incapable of further combustion.───煤渣,煤屑:燃烧过或部分燃烧过的物质,如煤,未形成灰烬但不能继续燃烧。
coal substance(意思翻译)
coal substance(相似词语短语)
1、intercellular substance───[组织]细胞间质;细胞间质,胞间物质
2、spilled substance───溢出物质
4、chemical substance───化学物质
5、substance P───P物质;肽物质(即神经传递介质)
7、harmful substance───[环境]有害物质
8、substance share───物质份额
9、declarable substance───申报物质
coal substance(双语使用场景)
1、Atmospheric Marine aerosol was derived from seawater gaseous substance soil dust ash fly from burning coal ash fly from burning fuel and industrial waste at dalian sea area.───大连海域大气气溶胶物质主要来自海水、气态物、土壤尘、煤烟尘、燃油灰和工业废料。
2、would be a nice historical justice in the substance that was displaced by coal playing an important role in cleaning up the mess that coal has left behind.───木炭产生了很多温室气体之后,又取代了在清洁过程中起到了很大作用的物质,历史会给这种物质一个不错的评定。
3、Cinder: burned or partly burned substance, such as coal, that is not reduced to ashes but is incapable of further combustion.───煤渣,煤屑:燃烧过或部分燃烧过的物质,如煤,未形成灰烬但不能继续燃烧。