1、The broken toilet bowl in captain's bath room to be renewed.───船长浴室破碎的马桶换新。
2、Have you accidentally broken your phone by dropping it down the toilet, knocking it off a window ledge or leaving it in the oven?───你有没有曾经不小心把手机掉进厕所里,或把屏幕弄坏,或把它留在烤箱里而使得它坏掉?
3、So we gave the Plumber King a call and invited him over to fix a broken toilet.───于是我们给渠王打了个电话并邀请他来给我们修一个坏了的马桶。
4、A broken toilet on board a cramped spacecraft would be a serious nuisance, as astronauts who have lived with the problem can attest.───曾经经历过此类问题的宇航员们表示过:在一个本就狭小的飞船空间上若再碰上毁坏的厕所这件事将会是一个严重的对人的困扰。
broken toilet(意思翻译)
broken toilet(相似词语短语)
2、toilet bowl───n.抽水马桶
3、eviscerating toilet───去内脏马桶
4、commode toilet───坐便器
5、accessible toilet───无障碍卫生间
7、ambulant toilet───流动厕所
8、compost toilet───堆肥厕所
9、toilet water───n.花露水
broken toilet(双语使用场景)
1、The broken toilet bowl in captain's bath room to be renewed.───船长浴室破碎的马桶换新。
2、Have you accidentally broken your phone by dropping it down the toilet, knocking it off a window ledge or leaving it in the oven?───你有没有曾经不小心把手机掉进厕所里,或把屏幕弄坏,或把它留在烤箱里而使得它坏掉?
3、So we gave the Plumber King a call and invited him over to fix a broken toilet.───于是我们给渠王打了个电话并邀请他来给我们修一个坏了的马桶。
4、A broken toilet on board a cramped spacecraft would be a serious nuisance, as astronauts who have lived with the problem can attest.───曾经经历过此类问题的宇航员们表示过:在一个本就狭小的飞船空间上若再碰上毁坏的厕所这件事将会是一个严重的对人的困扰。
5、The toilet is broken.───马桶坏了。