1、Katharine Hepburn always denied that her first words on meeting Spencer, as frequently reported, were: 'Mr Tracy, I believe I am too tall for you.'───如反复被报道的一样,凯瑟琳·赫本一直她对斯潘塞所说第一句话:“特雷西先生,我认为我对来说太高了。”
2、For instance, if you like tall, athletic, blond women who are a bit of a geek with a quirky sense of humor, then go find one!───譬如,假如你喜欢身材高挑,体格健壮,金发碧眼,富有幽默感或许带点小怪癖的女人,那你就去找吧,别来找我!
3、You do not have to settle for a woman just because you aren't rich, tall or handsome.───你不必因为你的不富有,不挺拔,或者不英俊,而特意为女人安排。
tall for you(意思翻译)
tall for you(相似词语短语)
1、are you tall───你高吗
2、you re tall───你很高
3、you are tall───你很高
4、tall for───高的
5、for you───为你; 面向你; 献给你;为你;献给你;面向你
6、you for you───你为你
7、you for───你为了
9、it tall───它很高
tall for you(双语使用场景)
1、Katharine Hepburn always denied that her first words on meeting Spencer, as frequently reported, were: 'Mr Tracy, I believe I am too tall for you.'───如反复被报道的一样,凯瑟琳·赫本一直她对斯潘塞所说第一句话:“特雷西先生,我认为我对来说太高了。”
2、For instance, if you like tall, athletic, blond women who are a bit of a geek with a quirky sense of humor, then go find one!───譬如,假如你喜欢身材高挑,体格健壮,金发碧眼,富有幽默感或许带点小怪癖的女人,那你就去找吧,别来找我!
3、You do not have to settle for a woman just because you aren't rich, tall or handsome.───你不必因为你的不富有,不挺拔,或者不英俊,而特意为女人安排。