1、When you turn the ignition key on, but before you start the car, the oil light should light, indicating that there is no oil pressure yet, but also letting you know that the warning system is working.───当你打开点火开关,在启动车子之前,油量警示灯亮,表明此时无油压力,同时也让你知道报警XiTong已开始工作。
2、turbine was in trip in No. 1 power unit, Luoding power Plant, Guangdong because of low oil pressure in several times in the process of one stroke of EH oil pressure in DEH speed adjusting system.───广东罗定电厂1号机组DEH调速XiTongEH油压在一次冲转过程中,多次出现因为油压低,导致汽轮机跳闸。
4、Oil at sufficiently low pressure that it contains no dissolved gas or a relatively thick oil or residue that has lost its volatile components.───在足够低的压力下不含溶解气的石油或失掉挥发组分的稠油或残油即称为死油。
no oil pressure(意思翻译)
no oil pressure(相似词语短语)
1、no oil───没有油
3、ambient pressure───环境压力,周围压力;[流]环境压力;周围压力
4、oil pressure───[机]油压;[电] 油压
5、peer pressure───同伴压力;来自同辈的压力;同辈压力; 同侪压力; 同龄人压力
6、external pressure───外部压力,外压,外压力
8、hydraulic pressure───液压;水压;n.水压; 液压
9、pressure from───来自于……的压力
no oil pressure(双语使用场景)
1、When you turn the ignition key on, but before you start the car, the oil light should light, indicating that there is no oil pressure yet, but also letting you know that the warning system is working.───当你打开点火开关,在启动车子之前,油量警示灯亮,表明此时无油压力,同时也让你知道报警XiTong已开始工作。
2、turbine was in trip in No. 1 power unit, Luoding power Plant, Guangdong because of low oil pressure in several times in the process of one stroke of EH oil pressure in DEH speed adjusting system.───广东罗定电厂1号机组DEH调速XiTongEH油压在一次冲转过程中,多次出现因为油压低,导致汽轮机跳闸。
3、No oil pressure stop safely asap───由于无发动机机油压力,请尽快安全地停车
4、Oil at sufficiently low pressure that it contains no dissolved gas or a relatively thick oil or residue that has lost its volatile components.───在足够低的压力下不含溶解气的石油或失掉挥发组分的稠油或残油即称为死油。