1、types of rice embryos have dimorphic cotyledons.───类型与第二类型稻胚都具有二型子叶。
2、Outcome from cerebral ischemia is sexually dimorphic in many experimental models.───脑缺血结局在许多实验模型中表现出了性别差异。
3、Firstly, our results indicated that the monomorphic populations of L. pinceana were originated from adjacent western dimorphic populations.───首先,研究结果表明滇丁香长花柱型单态居群起源于西部邻近的二态居群。
4、anthers dimorphic: reflexed oblong-ellipsoid and erect ovoid, sparsely villous.───花药二形:反折长圆状椭圆形和直立卵圆形,疏生长柔毛。
5、Discharge samples repeatedly yielded a characteristic growth of the dimorphic fungus Sporothrix schenckii.───样品反复放电产生的一个特点增长的二相性真菌申克孢子丝菌。
6、Leaves obscurely dimorphic, outer leaves slightly smaller than inner, ciliate.───叶不明显二形,外部的叶稍小于内部,具缘毛。
7、The dimorphic type has one form with a short style and long stamens and the other with a long style and short stamens.───具两态型的一类植物是短花柱和长雄蕊,另外一类是长花柱和短雄蕊。
8、Swordfish are sexually dimorphic . However, previous assessments of the status of swordfish in the North Pacific Ocean have ignored this.───剑旗鱼之成长与性成熟在雌雄间具有显著差异,然而在过去有关北太平洋剑旗鱼之资源评估研究均忽略此一重要因子。
1、The dimorphic type has one form with a short style and long stamens and the other with a long style and short stamens.
2、Both types of rice embryos have dimorphic cotyledons.
3、But man is, in general, sexually dimorphic in ways which do not resemble his ape cousins.
4、Bateleur Eagles are unusual in having dimorphic plumage, the female displays grey secondary feathers whilst males have entirely black wings.
5、Outcome from cerebral ischemia is sexually dimorphic in many experimental models.
6、The ability of dimorphic transition is one of the most determinants of Candida albicans for its pathogenicity, which is regulated by several signal transduction pathways.
7、Swordfish are sexually dimorphic . However, previous assessments of the status of swordfish in the North Pacific Ocean have ignored this.
8、NO dimorphic sex chromosomes were observed in either sexof the three species examined.
9、Detailed life-history studies of this highly dimorphic animal reveal that the reproductive success of large males is much higher than small males.
1、types of rice embryos have dimorphic cotyledons.───类型与第二类型稻胚都具有二型子叶。
2、Outcome from cerebral ischemia is sexually dimorphic in many experimental models.───脑缺血结局在许多实验模型中表现出了性别差异。
3、Firstly, our results indicated that the monomorphic populations of L. pinceana were originated from adjacent western dimorphic populations.───首先,研究结果表明滇丁香长花柱型单态居群起源于西部邻近的二态居群。
4、anthers dimorphic: reflexed oblong-ellipsoid and erect ovoid, sparsely villous.───花药二形:反折长圆状椭圆形和直立卵圆形,疏生长柔毛。
5、Discharge samples repeatedly yielded a characteristic growth of the dimorphic fungus Sporothrix schenckii.───样品反复放电产生的一个特点增长的二相性真菌申克孢子丝菌。
6、Leaves obscurely dimorphic, outer leaves slightly smaller than inner, ciliate.───叶不明显二形,外部的叶稍小于内部,具缘毛。
7、The dimorphic type has one form with a short style and long stamens and the other with a long style and short stamens.───具两态型的一类植物是短花柱和长雄蕊,另外一类是长花柱和短雄蕊。
8、Swordfish are sexually dimorphic . However, previous assessments of the status of swordfish in the North Pacific Ocean have ignored this.───剑旗鱼之成长与性成熟在雌雄间具有显著差异,然而在过去有关北太平洋剑旗鱼之资源评估研究均忽略此一重要因子。
1、The dimorphic type has one form with a short style and long stamens and the other with a long style and short stamens.
2、Both types of rice embryos have dimorphic cotyledons.
3、But man is, in general, sexually dimorphic in ways which do not resemble his ape cousins.
4、Bateleur Eagles are unusual in having dimorphic plumage, the female displays grey secondary feathers whilst males have entirely black wings.
5、Outcome from cerebral ischemia is sexually dimorphic in many experimental models.
6、The ability of dimorphic transition is one of the most determinants of Candida albicans for its pathogenicity, which is regulated by several signal transduction pathways.
7、Swordfish are sexually dimorphic . However, previous assessments of the status of swordfish in the North Pacific Ocean have ignored this.
8、NO dimorphic sex chromosomes were observed in either sexof the three species examined.
9、Detailed life-history studies of this highly dimorphic animal reveal that the reproductive success of large males is much higher than small males.