1、Washed clean of sin, a favored supplicant , she bowed her head and folded her hands over the altar rail .───罪孽洗涤干净了,恳求得到了满足。她垂着头,双手并拢,举在祭坛前的栏杆上面。
2、To look like a supplicant is unfortunate; to be a spurned one is humiliating.───求人是一种不幸;被拒绝则是一种羞耻。
3、's priests would, on payment from the supplicant, assist in childbirth.───回报,塑造者的祭司会在分娩中提供帮助。
4、Tennov thinks that limerence is as likely to break out in psychotherapy (me shrink, you supplicant) as almost anywhere else.───Tennov认为limerence为可能爆发心理治疗,因为几乎在任何地方(我的缩小,你请求者)。
5、And then, no matter how poor or powerless the supplicant, Don Corleone would take that man's troubles to his heart.───然后,无论那个恳求者多么贫穷或软弱,堂-科利昂将会把那个人的麻烦放在他的心上。
6、He flung himself down in the flat submissive posture of a mere supplicant.───他猛地趴在地上,做出一个卑微的哀求者那谦卑的姿态。
7、Britain was an indebted supplicant.───英国只是一个负债累累的乞讨者。
8、With one swift motion, he raised it above his head and drove the spike into the supplicant's back with fierce intensity.───他把锤子举过头顶,然后将钉子钉入了中间那人的后背,整个动作一气呵成,轻盈迅速。
1、They want AI 5 as a supplicant client, rather than as a well - disposed but independent ally.
2、More than one lord lieutenant told me almost apologetically of the number of supplicants who sought his intervention with the democratically-chosen authorities.
3、Maximum use might be made by supplicants and petitioners of the distance between them and Rome.
4、He is depicted as a supplicant to gods, or in the protective presence of the ram deity Amun, or as a sphinx himself, or in a warrior's posture. Most statues were defaced by his rivals.
5、Whether they came on foot or in polished Ambassadors, the stream of guests sat before Nagji like supplicants.
6、Most newly-appointed Prime Ministers are embarrassed by a plethora of well-qualified supplicants.
7、He flung himself down in the flat submissive posture of a mere supplicant.
8、The Supplicant is chased, harmed or otherwise threatened by the Persecutor and begs for help from the Power in Authority.
9、Instead, Nixon turned up in Beijing as a supplicant, waiting anxiously to be summoned to the emperor's side, listening to tutorials in strategy.
1、supplicant state───请求国
1、Washed clean of sin, a favored supplicant , she bowed her head and folded her hands over the altar rail .───罪孽洗涤干净了,恳求得到了满足。她垂着头,双手并拢,举在祭坛前的栏杆上面。
2、To look like a supplicant is unfortunate; to be a spurned one is humiliating.───求人是一种不幸;被拒绝则是一种羞耻。
3、's priests would, on payment from the supplicant, assist in childbirth.───回报,塑造者的祭司会在分娩中提供帮助。
4、Tennov thinks that limerence is as likely to break out in psychotherapy (me shrink, you supplicant) as almost anywhere else.───Tennov认为limerence为可能爆发心理治疗,因为几乎在任何地方(我的缩小,你请求者)。
5、And then, no matter how poor or powerless the supplicant, Don Corleone would take that man's troubles to his heart.───然后,无论那个恳求者多么贫穷或软弱,堂-科利昂将会把那个人的麻烦放在他的心上。
6、He flung himself down in the flat submissive posture of a mere supplicant.───他猛地趴在地上,做出一个卑微的哀求者那谦卑的姿态。
7、Britain was an indebted supplicant.───英国只是一个负债累累的乞讨者。
8、With one swift motion, he raised it above his head and drove the spike into the supplicant's back with fierce intensity.───他把锤子举过头顶,然后将钉子钉入了中间那人的后背,整个动作一气呵成,轻盈迅速。
1、They want AI 5 as a supplicant client, rather than as a well - disposed but independent ally.
2、More than one lord lieutenant told me almost apologetically of the number of supplicants who sought his intervention with the democratically-chosen authorities.
3、Maximum use might be made by supplicants and petitioners of the distance between them and Rome.
4、He is depicted as a supplicant to gods, or in the protective presence of the ram deity Amun, or as a sphinx himself, or in a warrior's posture. Most statues were defaced by his rivals.
5、Whether they came on foot or in polished Ambassadors, the stream of guests sat before Nagji like supplicants.
6、Most newly-appointed Prime Ministers are embarrassed by a plethora of well-qualified supplicants.
7、He flung himself down in the flat submissive posture of a mere supplicant.
8、The Supplicant is chased, harmed or otherwise threatened by the Persecutor and begs for help from the Power in Authority.
9、Instead, Nixon turned up in Beijing as a supplicant, waiting anxiously to be summoned to the emperor's side, listening to tutorials in strategy.