1、To pay tribute to the knight's chivalry, King Richard summoned the best craftsmen in England to make jewelry silverware for the wedding.───国王理查为了嘉奖他的勇敢与忠诚,命令召集全国最好的工匠,为骑士的婚礼打造银器与首饰。
2、Many upscale retailers have installed LEDs to achieve special lighting effects or to make jewelry cases sparkle.───许多高档次的零售商已经装上LED来制造特殊的灯光效果或者是让珠宝盒闪闪发光。
3、The red - ORange, pinkish, OR white deposits secreted by cORals of the genus CORallium, used to make jewelry and ORnaments.───珊瑚色一种由石珊瑚属的珊瑚虫分泌出的橙红色、粉色或白色沉积物,用于制作珠宝首饰及装饰品
4、(Indeed, a film critic friend said that her reaction to seeing this was not hunger, but to want to go home and make jewelry. )───(事实上一位电影评论家朋友说,当他看到这些画面时他不是觉得饿了,而是想回到家里制作首饰。)
make jewelry(英语使用场景)
1、They make jewelry that is famous for its intricate craftsmanship.
2、Use crocheting techniques to make jewelry with tips from a needlework specialist in this free video on crochet pieces.
3、Whether you are looking to repair jewelry or make jewelry, here are the tools any crafter needs.
make jewelry(意思翻译)
make jewelry(相似词语短语)
1、danegeld jewelry───danegeld珠宝
2、jewelry store───珠宝店;金银手饰店
3、anticlastic jewelry───抗衰老珠宝
4、toadstone jewelry───毒蕈石首饰
5、elysia jewelry───elysia珠宝
6、gaudy jewelry───华而不实的珠宝
8、imitation jewelry───人造珠宝
9、fireweed jewelry───火柴首饰
make jewelry(双语使用场景)
1、To pay tribute to the knight's chivalry, King Richard summoned the best craftsmen in England to make jewelry silverware for the wedding.───国王理查为了嘉奖他的勇敢与忠诚,命令召集全国最好的工匠,为骑士的婚礼打造银器与首饰。
2、Many upscale retailers have installed LEDs to achieve special lighting effects or to make jewelry cases sparkle.───许多高档次的零售商已经装上LED来制造特殊的灯光效果或者是让珠宝盒闪闪发光。
3、The red - ORange, pinkish, OR white deposits secreted by cORals of the genus CORallium, used to make jewelry and ORnaments.───珊瑚色一种由石珊瑚属的珊瑚虫分泌出的橙红色、粉色或白色沉积物,用于制作珠宝首饰及装饰品
4、(Indeed, a film critic friend said that her reaction to seeing this was not hunger, but to want to go home and make jewelry. )───(事实上一位电影评论家朋友说,当他看到这些画面时他不是觉得饿了,而是想回到家里制作首饰。)
make jewelry(英语使用场景)
1、They make jewelry that is famous for its intricate craftsmanship.
2、Use crocheting techniques to make jewelry with tips from a needlework specialist in this free video on crochet pieces.
3、Whether you are looking to repair jewelry or make jewelry, here are the tools any crafter needs.