1、Servers are sited as close as possible to stock exchanges to minimise the time taken for orders to travel down the wires.───人们尽量将服务器设在离股票交易所较近的地方,以尽量减少指令通过线路所花费的时间。
2、But in the week after the Japan earthquake, he said he received close to 200 orders and was now sold out.───但是日本地震后的一个星期,他说他收到了将近200个订单,而且已经卖光了。
3、Some of the Moroccan exporters' main customers in Europe have cut their orders by close to 30%, largely due to the financial crisis surrounding the euro.───一些大的欧洲进口商对摩洛哥订单已进行削减,幅度为30%左右。主要是受欧元区经济危机的影响。
close orders(意思翻译)
close orders(相似词语短语)
1、make orders───下订单(makeanorder的复数形式)
2、coffeehouse orders───咖啡馆订单
3、give orders───发号施令;授命;下令;发出命令;下命令
4、orders special───特殊订单
5、export orders───出口定单
7、placing orders───订购;下订单
8、standing orders───制造费用单;长期适用的议事规程;现行命令;n.委托书,现行命令( standing order的名词复数 ); 议事程序
9、place orders───订购;下订单
close orders(双语使用场景)
1、Servers are sited as close as possible to stock exchanges to minimise the time taken for orders to travel down the wires.───人们尽量将服务器设在离股票交易所较近的地方,以尽量减少指令通过线路所花费的时间。
2、But in the week after the Japan earthquake, he said he received close to 200 orders and was now sold out.───但是日本地震后的一个星期,他说他收到了将近200个订单,而且已经卖光了。
3、Some of the Moroccan exporters' main customers in Europe have cut their orders by close to 30%, largely due to the financial crisis surrounding the euro.───一些大的欧洲进口商对摩洛哥订单已进行削减,幅度为30%左右。主要是受欧元区经济危机的影响。