1、A new broadcast protocol named as location aided broadcast protocol (LABP), which was aided by location information, was put forward.───提出了一种在位置信息辅助下的新的广播协议,称之为位置辅助广播协议 (L A B P)。
2、A. New broadcast cam is wonderful, we never switched to wide.───全新的直播视角很出色,我们从来没有切换到宽视角。
3、When McCollum approached a Tube worker, she was told the station had a new broadcast system and it could not use the old recording anymore.───当玛格丽特找到一位地铁工作人员,这个人告诉她地铁站有了新的广播XiTong,而且不会再用原先的录音了。
4、She needs people to watch various new TV programs that haven't been broadcast yet, then indicate on a survey whether they liked it, why, if they'd watch another episode.───她需要人们观看各种尚未播出的新电视节目,然后在调查中表明他们是否喜欢它,为什么,以及他们是否想再看一集。
5、first that the Agency learned of it was through a New China News Agency broadcast.───中情局最初是通过一条中新社的广播知道此事的。
6、That is why clear conditions for a new poll, including outside observers and the unfettered access of all parties to print and broadcast media, were needed.───这就是新选举需要有透明条件的原因,包括外来观察员、所有各方都能有权接受印刷及广播媒体的采访。
a new broadcast(意思翻译)
a new broadcast(相似词语短语)
1、cecity broadcast───cecity广播
2、broadcast news───广播新闻;[电影]收播新闻
3、broadcast again───再次广播
4、broadcast messages───广播信息;广播式消息
5、broadcast address───[计]广播DiZhi,播散DiZhi
6、broadcast system───[计] 广播XiTong
7、broadcast journalism───广播新闻;新闻广播
8、television broadcast───电视广播
9、a new───adv.重新;再
a new broadcast(双语使用场景)
1、A new broadcast protocol named as location aided broadcast protocol (LABP), which was aided by location information, was put forward.───提出了一种在位置信息辅助下的新的广播协议,称之为位置辅助广播协议 (L A B P)。
2、A. New broadcast cam is wonderful, we never switched to wide.───全新的直播视角很出色,我们从来没有切换到宽视角。
3、When McCollum approached a Tube worker, she was told the station had a new broadcast system and it could not use the old recording anymore.───当玛格丽特找到一位地铁工作人员,这个人告诉她地铁站有了新的广播XiTong,而且不会再用原先的录音了。
4、She needs people to watch various new TV programs that haven't been broadcast yet, then indicate on a survey whether they liked it, why, if they'd watch another episode.───她需要人们观看各种尚未播出的新电视节目,然后在调查中表明他们是否喜欢它,为什么,以及他们是否想再看一集。
5、first that the Agency learned of it was through a New China News Agency broadcast.───中情局最初是通过一条中新社的广播知道此事的。
6、That is why clear conditions for a new poll, including outside observers and the unfettered access of all parties to print and broadcast media, were needed.───这就是新选举需要有透明条件的原因,包括外来观察员、所有各方都能有权接受印刷及广播媒体的采访。