1、Add or remove a secondary axis in a chart───添加或删除图表中的次要坐标轴
2、On the left primary vertical axis is dynamic range in dB while on the right secondary axis is output power in dBm.───左侧第一纵轴为动态范围,右侧第二纵轴为输出功率。 这些属性也体现了矢量网分扩频模块S参数测量的良好性能。
3、Some Problems and Key Design of Secondary Axis on Loader───装载机二轴总成设计中的几个问题及其结构改进
4、To add a secondary axis to a chart, you would select the data, and then click Selected Data Series on the Chart menu.───要向图表添加次坐标轴,可选择该数据,然后单击“图表”菜单上的“所选数据系列”。
5、The line on the secondary axis represents the overall performance improvement for each of the run time modes.───第二根轴上的线表示各运行时模式下的总体性能改善。
6、Landscape Area prominent personality, is the main axis of space design node; Entrance Plaza, Sports Park Plaza and the MTR to form secondary nodes.───中心景观区突出个性,是轴线空间的主要设计节点;入口广场、育公园和地铁广场形成次要节点。
7、secondary axis unequal, longer than pedicels;───二级轴不等长,长于花梗;
secondary axis(英语使用场景)
1、The line on the secondary axis represents the overall performance improvement for each of the run time modes.
secondary axis(意思翻译)
secondary axis(相似词语短语)
1、secondary education───中等教育
2、secondary school───n.中学;中等学校
3、secondary consumer───次级消费者
4、axis bank───轴心银行
5、secondary products───次级产品;副产品
6、secondary consideration───次要考虑
7、axis───n.轴线; 坐标轴; 轴心;n.轴;轴线;轴心国
9、secondary color───次生色;n.合成色,间色;二次色
secondary axis(双语使用场景)
1、Add or remove a secondary axis in a chart───添加或删除图表中的次要坐标轴
2、On the left primary vertical axis is dynamic range in dB while on the right secondary axis is output power in dBm.───左侧第一纵轴为动态范围,右侧第二纵轴为输出功率。 这些属性也体现了矢量网分扩频模块S参数测量的良好性能。
3、Some Problems and Key Design of Secondary Axis on Loader───装载机二轴总成设计中的几个问题及其结构改进
4、To add a secondary axis to a chart, you would select the data, and then click Selected Data Series on the Chart menu.───要向图表添加次坐标轴,可选择该数据,然后单击“图表”菜单上的“所选数据系列”。
5、The line on the secondary axis represents the overall performance improvement for each of the run time modes.───第二根轴上的线表示各运行时模式下的总体性能改善。
6、Landscape Area prominent personality, is the main axis of space design node; Entrance Plaza, Sports Park Plaza and the MTR to form secondary nodes.───中心景观区突出个性,是轴线空间的主要设计节点;入口广场、育公园和地铁广场形成次要节点。
7、secondary axis unequal, longer than pedicels;───二级轴不等长,长于花梗;
secondary axis(英语使用场景)
1、The line on the secondary axis represents the overall performance improvement for each of the run time modes.
2、Moreover, it is a secondary axis.
3、The joint's secondary axis.