1、Lamy begins production of its own branded fountain pen ink.───拉米开始了自己的品牌钢笔墨水的生产。
2、The very next year (1969), he achieved renewed success with the prescient creation of an agency specializing in casting portfolios.───在第二天年度(1969年),他取得了一个专门机构在铸造组合创造新的成功有先见之明。
3、No, it turned out, as the very same developer delivered The Legend Of Zelda the very next year on the same format.───可事实是,第二年,同一个开发组在同一个平台上发行了塞尔达传说。
4、founding Treaty of Rome was signed the very next year, in 1957.───接下来的一年,也就是1957年,创始的《罗马条约》签署。
very next year(英语使用场景)
1、In the very next year Hannibal embarked for Africa.
very next year(意思翻译)
very next year(相似词语短语)
1、year on year───年同比,与前一年同期比较
2、the year after next year───后天
4、very next───下一个
5、year after year───年复一年地;每年;年复一年(地); 年年; 积年累月; 长年累月
7、very very far───非常非常远
8、year by year───一年一年地; 年年; 逐年;逐年;年年
9、the year after next───后年
very next year(双语使用场景)
1、Lamy begins production of its own branded fountain pen ink.───拉米开始了自己的品牌钢笔墨水的生产。
2、The very next year (1969), he achieved renewed success with the prescient creation of an agency specializing in casting portfolios.───在第二天年度(1969年),他取得了一个专门机构在铸造组合创造新的成功有先见之明。
3、No, it turned out, as the very same developer delivered The Legend Of Zelda the very next year on the same format.───可事实是,第二年,同一个开发组在同一个平台上发行了塞尔达传说。
4、founding Treaty of Rome was signed the very next year, in 1957.───接下来的一年,也就是1957年,创始的《罗马条约》签署。
very next year(英语使用场景)
1、In the very next year Hannibal embarked for Africa.