1、To check all wire ropes as often as necessary to maintain an adequate factor of safety, to equalise the tension on all hoisting ropes.───必要时经常检查所有的钢丝绳,以确保设备足够安全和所有曳引钢丝绳张力保持平衡。
2、2 July 2010, Forlán scored a free kick against Ghana to equalise during the quarter-finals.───7月2日,在1/4决赛对加纳的比赛中,弗兰直接任意球破门扳平比分,将1:1的比分保持到了终场。
3、Policies that help equalise opportunity are more popular, and it is here that Mr Obama may have the greater impact.───有助于机遇均等化的政策是更受到欢迎的,也正是在这一点上,奥巴马先生可能有所作为。
4、It said pay cuts were needed to further equalise distribution of income.───它说对于“将来工资平等分配”减少工资是必要的。
5、My physiotherapist wanted me to " walk " with my crutches , however , which meant I had to equalise my height .───不过,我的理疗医师希望我借助拐杖“走路”,这意味着,我必须平衡两腿的重量。
6、This process, which tends to equalise the saltiness of the two solutions, is called osmosis.───这个过程能平衡薄膜两端的盐浓度,学名为渗透作用。
7、A reform to equalise the age for women (currently 60) with that of men (65) has long been scheduled for the next decade.───将女性退休年龄(目前为60岁)延长至与男性相同的65岁的改革计划一直是接下来十年的目标。
8、according to which exchange rates should adjust to equalise the price of a basket of goods and services around the world.───据该理论,汇率应调整以均衡全球范围内一篮子货物和服务。
9、They came out in the second half and got another goal, but we kept on battling and showed character once again to come back and equalise.───他们在下半场发挥的不错,又进了一个球,但我们仍然坚持战斗,再次踢出我们的精神,将比分追平。
1、It said pay cuts were needed to further equalise distribution of income.
2、Partly as a result of all these changes, the government has announced its intention to equalise the State pension age.
3、The Government has delayed responding to the need to equalise pension rights because it means equalising State retirement ages.
4、Float the transport container in the pool until the water temperatures equalise.
5、But Munich rally and equalise in the second - half following a free - kick .
6、Richardson reduced the arrears before a mistake by Walker allowed Olney to equalise.
7、Unless the North intervenes to equalise the situation, the South will fall further behind.
8、Sunderland reacted quickly to the set-back, with club record singing Don Goodman calmly picking his spot to equalise a minute later.
9、We struggle and battle to equalise, dominating play but managing only one shot on target.
1、equalization rf───均衡射频
2、equal sets───相等集
3、equanimous dj───平静的dj
4、adequation in english───英语语法
5、are equal───是平等的
6、inequalities rules───不等式规则
7、integral equation───[数]积分方程;积分方程(式)
8、divisor is equal to zero───除数等于零
9、generative equation───生成方程
10、have no equal───无人能比,无出其右;无出其右;莫与之京
1、To check all wire ropes as often as necessary to maintain an adequate factor of safety, to equalise the tension on all hoisting ropes.───必要时经常检查所有的钢丝绳,以确保设备足够安全和所有曳引钢丝绳张力保持平衡。
2、2 July 2010, Forlán scored a free kick against Ghana to equalise during the quarter-finals.───7月2日,在1/4决赛对加纳的比赛中,弗兰直接任意球破门扳平比分,将1:1的比分保持到了终场。
3、Policies that help equalise opportunity are more popular, and it is here that Mr Obama may have the greater impact.───有助于机遇均等化的政策是更受到欢迎的,也正是在这一点上,奥巴马先生可能有所作为。
4、It said pay cuts were needed to further equalise distribution of income.───它说对于“将来工资平等分配”减少工资是必要的。
5、My physiotherapist wanted me to " walk " with my crutches , however , which meant I had to equalise my height .───不过,我的理疗医师希望我借助拐杖“走路”,这意味着,我必须平衡两腿的重量。
6、This process, which tends to equalise the saltiness of the two solutions, is called osmosis.───这个过程能平衡薄膜两端的盐浓度,学名为渗透作用。
7、A reform to equalise the age for women (currently 60) with that of men (65) has long been scheduled for the next decade.───将女性退休年龄(目前为60岁)延长至与男性相同的65岁的改革计划一直是接下来十年的目标。
8、according to which exchange rates should adjust to equalise the price of a basket of goods and services around the world.───据该理论,汇率应调整以均衡全球范围内一篮子货物和服务。
9、They came out in the second half and got another goal, but we kept on battling and showed character once again to come back and equalise.───他们在下半场发挥的不错,又进了一个球,但我们仍然坚持战斗,再次踢出我们的精神,将比分追平。
1、It said pay cuts were needed to further equalise distribution of income.
2、Partly as a result of all these changes, the government has announced its intention to equalise the State pension age.
3、The Government has delayed responding to the need to equalise pension rights because it means equalising State retirement ages.
4、Float the transport container in the pool until the water temperatures equalise.
5、But Munich rally and equalise in the second - half following a free - kick .
6、Richardson reduced the arrears before a mistake by Walker allowed Olney to equalise.
7、Unless the North intervenes to equalise the situation, the South will fall further behind.
8、Sunderland reacted quickly to the set-back, with club record singing Don Goodman calmly picking his spot to equalise a minute later.
9、We struggle and battle to equalise, dominating play but managing only one shot on target.