1、I hope Gillian have the enough force to get out of the low life.───我还是希望阿娇能有足够的力量走出人生低谷。
2、outer shell of the rods could also ignite with enough force to propel the radioactive fuel inside over a wide area.───燃料棒外层可能也已点燃,产生足够的能量激发辐射性燃料向外扩散。
3、The bottom line is with enough force a dog can be trained to do almost anything.───归根结底,足够的强迫可以训练狗儿做几乎任何事。
4、Don't lift the hand, but rest the hand comfortably on the piano with just enough force at the finger to support the weight of the arm.───不要抬手,而是把手舒服的放在琴键上休息,手指只使用支撑胳膊的力量即可。
5、At normal flow, the poppet is held open by a spring with enough force to counteract the force on the poppet created by the flow.───在正常流动,小鬼是一所具有足够的力量弹开,以抗衡的流动所带来的小鬼的力量。
6、Extreme caution should be employed to ensure only enough force is applied to contain pressure.───使用抑制装置时应特别小心,要确保有足够的力量承受压力。
7、Americamust be able to deploy enough force to deter China.───部署足够的军事力量来阻止中国的敌对行动。
8、During the spring, carbon dioxide changes from a solid to a gas with enough force to trigger small avalanches.───在春季,二氧化碳从固体升华为气体的过程中有足够的能力引发小型雪崩。
enough force(英语使用场景)
1、Soon there is enough force to lift the plane up off the ground.
2、There was more than enough force to hoist the obelisk . The total airtime ? Only twenty - five seconds.
3、With enough force, it could prevent financial Armageddon.
4、This creates enough force to lift up the books in this demonstration.
5、It detonated with enough force to bring down huge chunks of rock from the ceiling.
enough force(意思翻译)
enough force(相似词语短语)
2、serious enough───够严肃的
3、enough n───够了
4、lucky enough───够幸运的
5、enough well───足够好了
6、fast enough───足够快
7、curiously enough───说来也奇怪 (Cha Ru);稀奇的是…
8、enough is enough───够了;适可而止;够了,行了,要适可而止
enough force(双语使用场景)
1、I hope Gillian have the enough force to get out of the low life.───我还是希望阿娇能有足够的力量走出人生低谷。
2、outer shell of the rods could also ignite with enough force to propel the radioactive fuel inside over a wide area.───燃料棒外层可能也已点燃,产生足够的能量激发辐射性燃料向外扩散。
3、The bottom line is with enough force a dog can be trained to do almost anything.───归根结底,足够的强迫可以训练狗儿做几乎任何事。
4、Don't lift the hand, but rest the hand comfortably on the piano with just enough force at the finger to support the weight of the arm.───不要抬手,而是把手舒服的放在琴键上休息,手指只使用支撑胳膊的力量即可。
5、At normal flow, the poppet is held open by a spring with enough force to counteract the force on the poppet created by the flow.───在正常流动,小鬼是一所具有足够的力量弹开,以抗衡的流动所带来的小鬼的力量。
6、Extreme caution should be employed to ensure only enough force is applied to contain pressure.───使用抑制装置时应特别小心,要确保有足够的力量承受压力。
7、Americamust be able to deploy enough force to deter China.───部署足够的军事力量来阻止中国的敌对行动。
8、During the spring, carbon dioxide changes from a solid to a gas with enough force to trigger small avalanches.───在春季,二氧化碳从固体升华为气体的过程中有足够的能力引发小型雪崩。
enough force(英语使用场景)
1、Soon there is enough force to lift the plane up off the ground.
2、There was more than enough force to hoist the obelisk . The total airtime ? Only twenty - five seconds.
3、With enough force, it could prevent financial Armageddon.
4、This creates enough force to lift up the books in this demonstration.
5、It detonated with enough force to bring down huge chunks of rock from the ceiling.