1、And sorry, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan's four years of professional basketball in Australia doesn't count as a 'business career. '───哦,抱歉,JiaoYuBu长艾恩•唐肯 (Arne Duncan),他在澳大利亚打了四年的职业篮球,这不算是从商经历。
2、In fact, his business career had distinctly unpromising beginnings.───事实上,他的职业生涯开始时看起来非常没有前途。
3、Life in a violin case The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising business career and study music.───我人生的转折点是我决定放弃一个有前途的商业生涯和学习音乐。可望发迹的经商之路
4、Two years later, by which time he had retired to a lucrative business career, his efforts were recognized by the Nobel committee.───两年后,他退休转向赚钱的事业。他的努力得到诺贝尔委员会认可。
5、Enrollment in business schools exploded in the 1970s and 1980s and created the assumption that no one who pursued a business career could do without one.───世纪七八十年代商学院的入学人数激增,使得人们默认任何一个从事商业职业的人都必须进入商学院。
6、For much of my business career, I've played the role of David, and loved every minute of it.───对于我的业务生涯,我已扮演了大卫的角色,我珍爱它的每一分钟。
7、He gave up politics for a business career that led him to the presidency of Arkansas-Louisiana Gas Company, our largest natural gas utility.───他因此放弃了政治,专心经商,最后成为阿肯色—路易斯安那煤气公司的总裁。该公司是我们最大的天然气公用事业公司。
8、She began her business career at General Electric and joined DuPont in 1988 as a marketing manager in the company's medical imaging business.───她在通用电气开始了自己的商业生涯,并于1988年加入杜邦公司,担任该公司医疗成像业务的营销经理。
9、At a certain moment when my business career ran into a roadblock I shifted gears and devoted all my energies to developing my philosophy.───某一刻,当我的商业生涯遇到障碍时,我立马掉转船头,全力向哲学进发。
business career(英语使用场景)
1、He received an MBA from the University of Texas and began his business career in consumer packaged goods brand management with Quaker Oats.
2、In order to make a success of your business career you need to be prepared to work hard at oral skills.
3、In fact, his business career had distinctly unpromising beginnings.
4、During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth.
5、Perhaps the very plans you have in mind will influence your whole business career, and you have visions of the dollars that will be yours rolling into your bank account.
6、And it was hard to reconcile his soft-spoken good manners with the ruthless determination of his business career.
7、He's had a chequered business career.
8、He told magistrates he is using his car to search for new shops to relaunch his business career.
business career(意思翻译)
business career(相似词语短语)
1、solo career───个人职业生涯
3、military career───军旅生涯
4、business to business───公司对公司之间的电子商务 (B B);企业对企业
6、career test───职业生涯测验
7、career coach───n.职业指导
8、medical career───医学生涯
9、successful career───成功的职业;事业成功
business career(双语使用场景)
1、And sorry, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan's four years of professional basketball in Australia doesn't count as a 'business career. '───哦,抱歉,JiaoYuBu长艾恩•唐肯 (Arne Duncan),他在澳大利亚打了四年的职业篮球,这不算是从商经历。
2、In fact, his business career had distinctly unpromising beginnings.───事实上,他的职业生涯开始时看起来非常没有前途。
3、Life in a violin case The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising business career and study music.───我人生的转折点是我决定放弃一个有前途的商业生涯和学习音乐。可望发迹的经商之路
4、Two years later, by which time he had retired to a lucrative business career, his efforts were recognized by the Nobel committee.───两年后,他退休转向赚钱的事业。他的努力得到诺贝尔委员会认可。
5、Enrollment in business schools exploded in the 1970s and 1980s and created the assumption that no one who pursued a business career could do without one.───世纪七八十年代商学院的入学人数激增,使得人们默认任何一个从事商业职业的人都必须进入商学院。
6、For much of my business career, I've played the role of David, and loved every minute of it.───对于我的业务生涯,我已扮演了大卫的角色,我珍爱它的每一分钟。
7、He gave up politics for a business career that led him to the presidency of Arkansas-Louisiana Gas Company, our largest natural gas utility.───他因此放弃了政治,专心经商,最后成为阿肯色—路易斯安那煤气公司的总裁。该公司是我们最大的天然气公用事业公司。
8、She began her business career at General Electric and joined DuPont in 1988 as a marketing manager in the company's medical imaging business.───她在通用电气开始了自己的商业生涯,并于1988年加入杜邦公司,担任该公司医疗成像业务的营销经理。
9、At a certain moment when my business career ran into a roadblock I shifted gears and devoted all my energies to developing my philosophy.───某一刻,当我的商业生涯遇到障碍时,我立马掉转船头,全力向哲学进发。
business career(英语使用场景)
1、He received an MBA from the University of Texas and began his business career in consumer packaged goods brand management with Quaker Oats.
2、In order to make a success of your business career you need to be prepared to work hard at oral skills.
3、In fact, his business career had distinctly unpromising beginnings.
4、During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth.
5、Perhaps the very plans you have in mind will influence your whole business career, and you have visions of the dollars that will be yours rolling into your bank account.
6、And it was hard to reconcile his soft-spoken good manners with the ruthless determination of his business career.
7、He's had a chequered business career.
8、He told magistrates he is using his car to search for new shops to relaunch his business career.