1、crammed into the convention centre to gawk at comic books, see the latest games and watch their fantasies strut by.───充斥着整个展厅中心,痴迷于他们的漫画书、观看最新发售的游戏并和同好们一同搅基。
2、people crammed into the convention centre to gawk at comic books, see the latest games and watch their fantasies strut by.───人将会展中心填得水泄不通,他们痴痴地盯着漫画书,观赏着最新款的电玩游戏,任自己的幻想在眼前招摇。
3、And many of the complaints have been aired at Comic-Con, an annual geeks’ convention in San Diego that has become increasingly important as a marketing convention for Hollywood.───其中的许多指责直指动漫节,一年一度在圣地亚哥举行的电脑高手的大会对好莱坞来说已经成为很重要的市场营销大会。
comic convention(意思翻译)
comic convention(相似词语短语)
1、geneva convention───日内瓦公约
2、comic srtip───漫画提示
3、nominating convention───提名大会;提名公约
4、snowfall comic───降雪漫画
5、fables comic───寓言漫画
7、convention centre───[医]会议中心
8、ratifying convention───批准公约
comic convention(双语使用场景)
1、crammed into the convention centre to gawk at comic books, see the latest games and watch their fantasies strut by.───充斥着整个展厅中心,痴迷于他们的漫画书、观看最新发售的游戏并和同好们一同搅基。
2、people crammed into the convention centre to gawk at comic books, see the latest games and watch their fantasies strut by.───人将会展中心填得水泄不通,他们痴痴地盯着漫画书,观赏着最新款的电玩游戏,任自己的幻想在眼前招摇。
3、And many of the complaints have been aired at Comic-Con, an annual geeks’ convention in San Diego that has become increasingly important as a marketing convention for Hollywood.───其中的许多指责直指动漫节,一年一度在圣地亚哥举行的电脑高手的大会对好莱坞来说已经成为很重要的市场营销大会。