1、The boy pin up one of his knees with two hands and stand unstable with the other feet.───进门后男孩用两只手抱住一个膝盖,另一只脚不稳地站着。
2、I'm definitely labelled in the pin-up category and I haven't given people a reason to take my work seriously yet.───无疑我被贴上了固定的标签,然而,我还没有给人们一个认真看待我工作的理由。
3、The teachers usually pin up the best work on the board.───老师们通常把最好的作业钉在展示板上。
4、Mischiveous model makers decorated the interior of the cockpit with a nude pin-up, which of course is not visible in the finished film.───顽皮的模型制作者还在驾驶舱内部装饰了一幅LuoTi美女图,当然,这在最终电影里是看不到的。
5、I need the up-to-date sales figures but I can never pin him down at the office.───我需要最新的销售数字,可就是不能在办公室找到他问清楚。
6、The appeal of the Duchess of Cambridge, a photogenic pin-up with a well-judged penchant for British designers.───自然是剑桥公爵夫人带有明确喜好的上镜率对英国设计师所产生的吸引力。
7、In addition to at least one washed up porno-star, there was a table featuring pin-up model Alley Baggett .───除了在至少一个SeQing明星冲上-,还有一张桌子具有迷人的模型弄巴格特。
8、Sarah Palin has metamorphosed into a media star, multi-millionaire and tea-party pin-up.───莎拉•佩林已经化身为媒体之星、千万巨富、及茶党的形象代言人。
9、That's why it may be up to consumers to move the needle on chip and PIN.───这就是为什么可能要由消费者来移动芯片和 PIN 上的针。
pin up(英语使用场景)
1、The teachers usually pin up the best work on the board.
2、One at a time, push each pin up with the paperclip.
3、You pin up a wall chart listing how many calories you eat each day.
4、We pin up quality ditties on corporate walls to enthuse staff of our good and noble intentions.
5、Let's pin up the map on the wall now.
6、The teachers usually pin up the best work on the blackboard.
7、He likes to pin up photographs of film stars about his bed.
8、The joss-stick benefit finishes saying these words then pin up a telephone and drove to go out.
9、You pin up another one recording how many sit-ups you managed.
pin up(意思翻译)
pin up(相似词语短语)
1、pin maudo───固定销
2、firing pin───[军]撞针;撞针; 击针
3、pin up girl───别针女孩
4、pin nailer───钉钉机
5、pin up calendars───固定日历
6、scarf pin───围巾夹针
7、dentine pin───牙本质钉
8、oar pin───桨销
pin up(双语使用场景)
1、The boy pin up one of his knees with two hands and stand unstable with the other feet.───进门后男孩用两只手抱住一个膝盖,另一只脚不稳地站着。
2、I'm definitely labelled in the pin-up category and I haven't given people a reason to take my work seriously yet.───无疑我被贴上了固定的标签,然而,我还没有给人们一个认真看待我工作的理由。
3、The teachers usually pin up the best work on the board.───老师们通常把最好的作业钉在展示板上。
4、Mischiveous model makers decorated the interior of the cockpit with a nude pin-up, which of course is not visible in the finished film.───顽皮的模型制作者还在驾驶舱内部装饰了一幅LuoTi美女图,当然,这在最终电影里是看不到的。
5、I need the up-to-date sales figures but I can never pin him down at the office.───我需要最新的销售数字,可就是不能在办公室找到他问清楚。
6、The appeal of the Duchess of Cambridge, a photogenic pin-up with a well-judged penchant for British designers.───自然是剑桥公爵夫人带有明确喜好的上镜率对英国设计师所产生的吸引力。
7、In addition to at least one washed up porno-star, there was a table featuring pin-up model Alley Baggett .───除了在至少一个SeQing明星冲上-,还有一张桌子具有迷人的模型弄巴格特。
8、Sarah Palin has metamorphosed into a media star, multi-millionaire and tea-party pin-up.───莎拉•佩林已经化身为媒体之星、千万巨富、及茶党的形象代言人。
9、That's why it may be up to consumers to move the needle on chip and PIN.───这就是为什么可能要由消费者来移动芯片和 PIN 上的针。
pin up(英语使用场景)
1、The teachers usually pin up the best work on the board.
2、One at a time, push each pin up with the paperclip.
3、You pin up a wall chart listing how many calories you eat each day.
4、We pin up quality ditties on corporate walls to enthuse staff of our good and noble intentions.
5、Let's pin up the map on the wall now.
6、The teachers usually pin up the best work on the blackboard.
7、He likes to pin up photographs of film stars about his bed.
8、The joss-stick benefit finishes saying these words then pin up a telephone and drove to go out.
9、You pin up another one recording how many sit-ups you managed.