1、Excessive port development there has pushed down returns for investors who have spent billions of dollars on building terminals.───中国海岸的过度发展,使向建设码头投资数亿美元的投资方收益下降。
2、"There's quite a bit of activity in port development to accommodate the junior miners, " Port Hedland CEO Andre Bush said.───“在港口发展计划当中,有相当一部分是为了容纳小型矿商,”黑德兰港首席执行官AndreBush说。
3、Overall, the program does not result in tidal power variation in waters to the north of Toumen Island unfavourable to the port development.───总体而言,方案没有引起头门岛北侧水域不利于开发建港的潮动力变化。
4、To cope with recent port development, plans are afoot to reorganize the mooring buoys in Kellett Bank and Junk Bay.───为配合港口的最新发展,海事处现正计划重新编排奇力滩和将军澳的系泊浮标。
5、This project will involve substantial dredging and co-ordination with other port development projects.───这项计划涉及大量的挖掘工程,而且须与其他港口发展计划相互配合。
6、Bilateral economic and trade relations are also quite satisfying with sound mutually beneficial cooperation in many projects including petroleum and port development.───双边经贸关系也令人满意,两国在石油、港口建设及许多其他项目上进行了很好的互利合作。
7、Port Coordination Committee held its fifth session on port development last Wednesday.───本周三,我市召开市口岸协调委员会第五次会议。
8、and continued the work on the Port Development Strategy and the Rural Planning and Improvement Strategy.───以及继续进行与港口发展策略和乡郊规划及改善策略有关的工作。
port development(意思翻译)
port development(相似词语短语)
1、child development───儿童发展;儿童发育
2、hindering development───阻碍发展
3、development synonym───发展同义词
4、development kit───开发工具包
5、development hell───发展地狱
6、stunted development───发育迟缓
9、development studies───发展研究(development study的复数);发展研究(developmentstudy的复数)
port development(双语使用场景)
1、Excessive port development there has pushed down returns for investors who have spent billions of dollars on building terminals.───中国海岸的过度发展,使向建设码头投资数亿美元的投资方收益下降。
2、"There's quite a bit of activity in port development to accommodate the junior miners, " Port Hedland CEO Andre Bush said.───“在港口发展计划当中,有相当一部分是为了容纳小型矿商,”黑德兰港首席执行官AndreBush说。
3、Overall, the program does not result in tidal power variation in waters to the north of Toumen Island unfavourable to the port development.───总体而言,方案没有引起头门岛北侧水域不利于开发建港的潮动力变化。
4、To cope with recent port development, plans are afoot to reorganize the mooring buoys in Kellett Bank and Junk Bay.───为配合港口的最新发展,海事处现正计划重新编排奇力滩和将军澳的系泊浮标。
5、This project will involve substantial dredging and co-ordination with other port development projects.───这项计划涉及大量的挖掘工程,而且须与其他港口发展计划相互配合。
6、Bilateral economic and trade relations are also quite satisfying with sound mutually beneficial cooperation in many projects including petroleum and port development.───双边经贸关系也令人满意,两国在石油、港口建设及许多其他项目上进行了很好的互利合作。
7、Port Coordination Committee held its fifth session on port development last Wednesday.───本周三,我市召开市口岸协调委员会第五次会议。
8、and continued the work on the Port Development Strategy and the Rural Planning and Improvement Strategy.───以及继续进行与港口发展策略和乡郊规划及改善策略有关的工作。
port development(英语使用场景)
1、Qili port development is key state projects.