hao ning(意思翻译)
hao ning(相似词语短语)
1、hao df───郝德发
2、rain ning───雨宁
3、tra ning───tra;以及
4、r ning───r宁
5、ning man───宁文
6、d ning───德宁
7、jiao hao───焦浩
8、wen ning───温宁
9、yue hao───岳浩
hao ning(双语使用场景)
1、It's a typical road movie and you can tell that Ning Hao gave his best to capture the essential elements of one.───这是一部典型的公路电影,宁浩竭尽全力地去捕获公路片的精髓。
2、Perhaps Ning Hao copies Ritchies style too directly, though, and it may not survive after this movie.───可能宁浩太过于模仿盖•里奇的风格,这部影片之后也许就没有市场了。
3、In China, there is a young director who has been called China's Guy Ritchie, Ning Hao.───在中国,有一个年轻的导演被称为“中国的盖•里奇”,他就是宁浩。
hao ning(意思翻译)
hao ning(相似词语短语)
1、hao df───郝德发
2、rain ning───雨宁
3、tra ning───tra;以及
4、r ning───r宁
5、ning man───宁文
6、d ning───德宁
7、jiao hao───焦浩
8、wen ning───温宁
9、yue hao───岳浩
hao ning(双语使用场景)
1、It's a typical road movie and you can tell that Ning Hao gave his best to capture the essential elements of one.───这是一部典型的公路电影,宁浩竭尽全力地去捕获公路片的精髓。
2、Perhaps Ning Hao copies Ritchies style too directly, though, and it may not survive after this movie.───可能宁浩太过于模仿盖•里奇的风格,这部影片之后也许就没有市场了。
3、In China, there is a young director who has been called China's Guy Ritchie, Ning Hao.───在中国,有一个年轻的导演被称为“中国的盖•里奇”,他就是宁浩。