1、Children who had received free books posted significantly higher test scores than the children who received activity books.───那些收到免费书籍的孩子们的测试分数要比那些收到活动书籍的孩子们的高出很多。
2、Those children were offered free activity and puzzle books.───这些孩子们则自由活动和读益智书籍。
3、With the invention of radio, television and most recently, the Internet and computer games, it seems that reading books is no longer a popular activity.───随着收音机、电视和最近的互联网和电脑游戏的发明,读书似乎不再是一种流行的活动。
4、BOOKS: They have a large variety of titles such as cookbooks, coloring, puzzle, painting and activity books, to name a few.───书籍:商店有琳琅满目、品种繁多的书目比如烹饪书、填色书、猜谜、绘画和活动书,这里只举几个例子。
5、Micky is going to the Hope school and send schoolbags, dictionaries, activity books, fans, sun caps, and umbrellas for the children there.───米奇打算去希望学校为那里的孩子发放书包、词典、活动手册、扇子、太阳帽、雨伞。
activity books(意思翻译)
activity books(相似词语短语)
1、activity now───现在活动
2、financing activity───融资活动
3、apiculate activity───细尖活动
4、mental activity───心理活动,智力活动
5、illicit activity───[法]违法活动
6、antioxidant activity───抗氧化活性;[医]抗氧化剂活性
7、connotation activity───内涵活动
8、collagenolytic activity───[医]溶胶原活性
activity books(双语使用场景)
1、Children who had received free books posted significantly higher test scores than the children who received activity books.───那些收到免费书籍的孩子们的测试分数要比那些收到活动书籍的孩子们的高出很多。
2、Those children were offered free activity and puzzle books.───这些孩子们则自由活动和读益智书籍。
3、With the invention of radio, television and most recently, the Internet and computer games, it seems that reading books is no longer a popular activity.───随着收音机、电视和最近的互联网和电脑游戏的发明,读书似乎不再是一种流行的活动。
4、BOOKS: They have a large variety of titles such as cookbooks, coloring, puzzle, painting and activity books, to name a few.───书籍:商店有琳琅满目、品种繁多的书目比如烹饪书、填色书、猜谜、绘画和活动书,这里只举几个例子。
5、Micky is going to the Hope school and send schoolbags, dictionaries, activity books, fans, sun caps, and umbrellas for the children there.───米奇打算去希望学校为那里的孩子发放书包、词典、活动手册、扇子、太阳帽、雨伞。