1、Men will be a few days later recovered and were discharged, but he is not happy, he asked passers-by to each woman's whereabouts, but no one knows whether the whereabouts of a woman.───几天后男人便康复出院了,但是他并不快乐,他向每个路人打听女人的下落,但没人知道女人究竟去了哪。
2、You will be a very happy woman.───你可成了一个极幸福的姑娘啦。
3、Like any woman, she was happy to be admired, but she was also deter - mined to sell her wheat at a good price, and to do business with the other farmers like a man.───象所有的女人一样,受到别人的赞扬,她很高兴。不过,她也决心要把她的麦子卖个好价钱,象男人一样地和其他农场主做买卖。
4、Would you like to be a happy woman, or a remarkable but miserable woman?───你想做个普通的幸福的女人呢,还是做一个与众不同出色但孤单的女人?
be a happy woman(意思翻译)
be a happy woman(相似词语短语)
1、be happy way───快乐的方式
2、a woman───一个女人 (A Woman);[电影]一位女士
3、happy woman───快乐的女人
4、a happy woman───快乐的女人
5、be a happy girl───做一个快乐的女孩
6、be happy───快乐;高兴;美劲儿;喜
7、so happy be happy───所以快乐快乐快乐
8、wanna be happy───想要快乐吗
9、must be happy───一定很开心
be a happy woman(双语使用场景)
1、Men will be a few days later recovered and were discharged, but he is not happy, he asked passers-by to each woman's whereabouts, but no one knows whether the whereabouts of a woman.───几天后男人便康复出院了,但是他并不快乐,他向每个路人打听女人的下落,但没人知道女人究竟去了哪。
2、You will be a very happy woman.───你可成了一个极幸福的姑娘啦。
3、Like any woman, she was happy to be admired, but she was also deter - mined to sell her wheat at a good price, and to do business with the other farmers like a man.───象所有的女人一样,受到别人的赞扬,她很高兴。不过,她也决心要把她的麦子卖个好价钱,象男人一样地和其他农场主做买卖。
4、Would you like to be a happy woman, or a remarkable but miserable woman?───你想做个普通的幸福的女人呢,还是做一个与众不同出色但孤单的女人?