1、Operation decision is the core of operation command.───作战决策是作战指挥的核心。
2、All level operation command organization has been established at site.───已建立了现场各级启动运行指挥组织。
3、When the Service is involved in emergency duties , the Command Core assumes the roles of operation command and coordination .───在部队执行紧急任务时,指挥中心便担当著行动指挥及协调的角色。
4、It may be necessary to change Operation Command Post to Incident Command Post.───也许需要运行指挥所改变为事故指挥部。
5、and sending an operation command which corresponds to the sliding operation according to the determined operation type.───根据确定的Cao作类型发送滑动Cao作对应的Cao作命令。
6、Operation command CMD and other executable files can also be a specified function.───Cao作命令可以是CMD等执行文件,也可以是指定的函数。
7、Discussion on constructing technical support system for emergency operation command during wide outage of cities───对建设城市大面积停电应急指挥技术支持XiTong的探讨
8、Research on Common Model Framework of Integrated Joint Operation Command Training System───一体化联合作战指挥训练XiTong通用模型框架研究
operation command(英语使用场景)
1、The background of sequential substation is introduced, in which the operating system automatically completes the sequential operations according to the selected sequential operation command.
2、It may be necessary to change Operation Command Post to Incident Command Post.
3、Then put this formula into the definition of the fuzzy relation operation symbolic, and apply in a lot of operation command of fuzzy database language(FSQL).
operation command(意思翻译)
operation command(相似词语短语)
2、operation management───运营管理;经营管理;Cao作管理
3、strabismus operation───[医]斜视手术
5、commercial operation───[经] 商业经营
6、discontinued operation───[经] 停(中)止经营;停止经营
7、heart operation───心脏手术
8、operation manual───Cao作指南;Cao作手册;[计] Cao作指南,Cao作手册; [化] Cao作手册
9、command line───n.命令行;[计]命令行
operation command(双语使用场景)
1、Operation decision is the core of operation command.───作战决策是作战指挥的核心。
2、All level operation command organization has been established at site.───已建立了现场各级启动运行指挥组织。
3、When the Service is involved in emergency duties , the Command Core assumes the roles of operation command and coordination .───在部队执行紧急任务时,指挥中心便担当著行动指挥及协调的角色。
4、It may be necessary to change Operation Command Post to Incident Command Post.───也许需要运行指挥所改变为事故指挥部。
5、and sending an operation command which corresponds to the sliding operation according to the determined operation type.───根据确定的Cao作类型发送滑动Cao作对应的Cao作命令。
6、Operation command CMD and other executable files can also be a specified function.───Cao作命令可以是CMD等执行文件,也可以是指定的函数。
7、Discussion on constructing technical support system for emergency operation command during wide outage of cities───对建设城市大面积停电应急指挥技术支持XiTong的探讨
8、Research on Common Model Framework of Integrated Joint Operation Command Training System───一体化联合作战指挥训练XiTong通用模型框架研究
operation command(英语使用场景)
1、The background of sequential substation is introduced, in which the operating system automatically completes the sequential operations according to the selected sequential operation command.
2、It may be necessary to change Operation Command Post to Incident Command Post.
3、Then put this formula into the definition of the fuzzy relation operation symbolic, and apply in a lot of operation command of fuzzy database language(FSQL).