1、What are the basic requirements of the shopping service?───第十题购物服务的基本要求是什么?
2、The e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd has launched a video-shopping service that will start next month.───电子商业巨头阿里巴巴集团,将于下个月推出一项视频购物服务。文中的
3、This study applies "service quality expectation" for market segmentation method, to discuss the satisfactory of TV-Shopping service quality.───本研究以「服务品质期望度」为市场区隔基础,来探讨TaiWan消费者对电视购物频道服务品质满意度。
4、Yes, I enroll in the BOC intown and the SET Internet Shopping Service, please send the Digital Certificate PIN to me.───本人现申请登记成为「中银至In网域」会员,享用安全网上购物服务。请即寄发电子证书密码予本人。
5、The two-or-more-TV family used to be rare. (4) Nowadays, Dad might want to rent an action movie when Mom's cable shopping service is on.───过去很少有人家拥有一台以上电视机。如今,妈妈在看她的有线电视销售服务节目的时候,爸爸可能想租一部动作片。
6、Diana Melencio, co-founder of the OkMyOutfit shopping service, spent eight years as a Wall Street analyst.───购物服务提供商okmyout fit的联合创始人戴安娜•梅伦肖曾做过八年华尔街分析师。
7、Among them, online shopping service is thought it has limitless business opportunity to enterprises.───其中,提供消费者网路购物服务的全球资讯网站被认为对企业而言拥有无限的商机。
8、Hope to be able to be obtained only buy primely environment and comfortable shopping service.───只希望能获得优越的购买环境与舒适的购物服务。
9、Groupon was gone on to become perhaps the most successful social shopping service on the Web.───将继续成为网站上可能最成功的社会购物服务商。
shopping service(英语使用场景)
1、There should be a shopping service to stock the apartment kitchen with essentials and bring in carry-out food, as well a car service to drive people around town.
2、The group already operates a successful online grocery shopping service through its Waitrose supermarket chain.
shopping service(意思翻译)
shopping service(相似词语短语)
1、going shopping───去买东西
2、goes shopping───去买东西
3、food shopping───[贸易]食品店
4、shopping online───网上购物
5、do shopping───买东西;购物
6、shopping basketball───购物篮球
7、forgathering612ws shopping───放弃612WS购物
8、shopping fury───购物狂
shopping service(双语使用场景)
1、What are the basic requirements of the shopping service?───第十题购物服务的基本要求是什么?
2、The e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd has launched a video-shopping service that will start next month.───电子商业巨头阿里巴巴集团,将于下个月推出一项视频购物服务。文中的
3、This study applies "service quality expectation" for market segmentation method, to discuss the satisfactory of TV-Shopping service quality.───本研究以「服务品质期望度」为市场区隔基础,来探讨TaiWan消费者对电视购物频道服务品质满意度。
4、Yes, I enroll in the BOC intown and the SET Internet Shopping Service, please send the Digital Certificate PIN to me.───本人现申请登记成为「中银至In网域」会员,享用安全网上购物服务。请即寄发电子证书密码予本人。
5、The two-or-more-TV family used to be rare. (4) Nowadays, Dad might want to rent an action movie when Mom's cable shopping service is on.───过去很少有人家拥有一台以上电视机。如今,妈妈在看她的有线电视销售服务节目的时候,爸爸可能想租一部动作片。
6、Diana Melencio, co-founder of the OkMyOutfit shopping service, spent eight years as a Wall Street analyst.───购物服务提供商okmyout fit的联合创始人戴安娜•梅伦肖曾做过八年华尔街分析师。
7、Among them, online shopping service is thought it has limitless business opportunity to enterprises.───其中,提供消费者网路购物服务的全球资讯网站被认为对企业而言拥有无限的商机。
8、Hope to be able to be obtained only buy primely environment and comfortable shopping service.───只希望能获得优越的购买环境与舒适的购物服务。
9、Groupon was gone on to become perhaps the most successful social shopping service on the Web.───将继续成为网站上可能最成功的社会购物服务商。
shopping service(英语使用场景)
1、There should be a shopping service to stock the apartment kitchen with essentials and bring in carry-out food, as well a car service to drive people around town.
2、The group already operates a successful online grocery shopping service through its Waitrose supermarket chain.